85 Perfect Pete Carril Quotes (Smart Coach)

Discover timeless wisdom and inspiration from legendary basketball coach Pete Carril through these memorable quotes.

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Best Pete Carril Quotes

A coachs job is to put his team where it can function effectively and win. Pete Carril QuotesPin

A coach’s job is to put his team where it can function effectively and win. Pete Carril

Beware of the coach who always talks about winning.Pin

Beware of the coach who always talks about winning. Pete Carril

I believe the objective of coaching is winning with integrity. Pete Carril QuotesPin

I believe the objective of coaching is winning with integrity. Pete Carril Quotes

Ive always done three things as a coach watched listened and read.Pin

I’ve always done three things as a coach: watched, listened, and read. Pete Carril

Praise is the cheapest form of reward. Pete Carril QuotesPin

Praise is the cheapest form of reward. Pete Carril

How do you know if your team has camaraderie I can tell by the way they walk off the floor at the end of practice.Pin

How do you know if your team has camaraderie? I can tell by the way they walk off the floor at the end of practice. You can feel their happiness vibrating; you can see how they work out together; you can watch it in the shower room — what they’re talking about, the level of excitement. There are many ways you can feel it, and it’s better to feel it than to hear it. The camaraderie practically comes out of their bodies. And you don’t feel that way when you’re losing. Losing reveals things. Pete Carril

Get the kids to understand that they shouldnt worry about who makes the shot only whether or not the shot is made. Pete Carril QuotesPin

Get the kids to understand that they shouldn’t worry about who makes the shot, only whether or not the shot is made. Pete Carril

If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at you youve lost him. If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at himself then you have something.Pin

If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at you, you’ve lost him. If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at himself, then you have something. Pete Carril

Once practice starts we work hard and thats the best conditioning there is. Everything counts. Every little thing counts. Pete Carril QuotesPin

Once practice starts, we work hard, and that’s the best conditioning there is. Everything counts. Every little thing counts. Run hard, play hard, go after the ball hard, guard hard. If you play soft (what I call signing a ‘non-aggression pact’ with your teammates), you won’t ever get into shape. Pete Carril Quotes

There are so many things that dont show up on the stat sheet or in the win and loss column that no one can explain butPin

There are so many things that don’t show up on the stat sheet, or in the win and loss column, that no one can explain, but you see them and they affect the outcome of games. Pete Carril

There are hundreds of them Players who learn how to do something just by watching compared to those who Pete Carril QuotesPin

There are hundreds of them: Players who learn how to do something just by watching compared to those who watch the same demonstration and can’t do it; who go after loose balls and come up with every one of them as opposed to someone who tries just as hard and comes up with none. How is it that one guy can deflect a pass over and over again and another cannot? Pete Carril

If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at you youve lost him. If you yell at a kid and he gets mad at himself then you have something.Pin

If you think you are working hard, you can work harder. If you think you are doing enough, there is more that you can do. No one really ever exhausts his full potential. Pete Carril

Whenever two players or teams of equal ability play the one with the great courage and intelligence will win. Pete Carril QuotesPin

Whenever two players or teams of equal ability play, the one with the great courage and intelligence will win. Pete Carril
When youre punctual youre telling your teammates what you think of them.Pin
When you’re punctual, you’re telling your teammates what you think of them. Pete Carril

I want things to go right all the time every day. Winning is in the details. Pete Carril QuotesPin

I want things to go right all the time every day. Winning is in the details. Pete Carril

It is important to do things right and it is equally as important to be good at what you are doing.Pin

It is important to do things right and it is equally as important to be good at what you are doing. Pete Carril

Theres a difference between the guys who play to win and those who play not to lose. A big difference. Pete Carril QuotesPin

There’s a difference between the guys who play to win and those who play not to lose. A big difference. When you play to win, you do all of the extra things that maybe aren’t visible, but the results is that you come out on top. Playing to win means subordinating your needs to those of the team. Remember, some guys walk out of a losing game having scored 25 points and are perfectly content. If you have guys like that on your team, you’re not going to win too many games. Pete Carril

You cannot ever forget the human equation in sports.Pin

You cannot ever forget the human equation in sports. Pete Carril Quotes

The two ingredients in success in basketball are playing hard and playing intelligently. Pete Carril QuotesPin

The two ingredients in success in basketball are playing hard and playing intelligently. Pete Carril

Bad shooters are always open.Pin

Bad shooters are always open. Pete Carril

I can check the level of your honesty and commitment by the quality of your effort on the court. You cannot separate sports Pete Carril QuotesPin

I can check the level of your honesty and commitment by the quality of your effort on the court. You cannot separate sports from your life, no matter how hard you try. Your personality shows up on the court: greed, indifference, whatever, it all shows up. You cannot hide it. Pete Carril

I dont like to see a guy get patted on the back for doing simple things for doing the things he should do. You have to be able toPin

I don’t like to see a guy get patted on the back for doing simple things, for doing the things he should do. You have to be able to tell a player or coach when he does a bad job that it is a bad job. You show respect by praising them when they do the things that deserve praise. They must learn the difference between what is done right and what is done wrong, and if you try to make them similar with easy praise, you’ll never succeed in teaching them the difference. Pete Carril

In a team sport like basketball every time you help somebody else you help yourself. Pete Carril QuotesPin

In a team sport like basketball, every time you help somebody else, you help yourself. Pete Carril

Praise rings watches I guess theyre nice tokens but Id rather have the thing that lasts forever respect for what youve done.Pin

Praise, rings, watches – I guess they’re nice tokens, but I’d rather have the thing that lasts forever: respect for what you’ve done. Pete Carril

Pete Carril Quotes on Coaching

Everybody makes such a big deal today about team play because theres such a scarcity of it. Greed is a reason. You have to Pete Carril QuotesPin

Everybody makes such a big deal today about team play because there’s such a scarcity of it. Greed is a reason. You have to understand the influence of greed. A player has to be selfish in the pursuit of the development of his skills, but he cannot be selfish when it comes time to blend them in with what’s good for his team. Pete Carril

Winning takes character and intelligence. It is the most important thing you can do because its a reaffirmation of your character.Pin

Winning takes character and intelligence. It is the most important thing you can do because it’s a reaffirmation of your character. Pete Carril

There will be no credibility to the cut unless the player executes it with authenticity. Pete Carril QuotesPin

There is a tendency among some coaches today to give up too soon. Pete Carril Quotes

Winning takes character. Workers get the most out of themselves. When a body has limited talent it mustPin

Winning takes character. Workers get the most out of themselves. When a body has limited talent, it must muster all its resources of character to overcome adversity. Pete Carril

A bad win is one where you score more points but theyve outplayed outsmarted and outworked you. It could be a lucky win or an Pete Carril QuotesPin

A bad win is one where you score more points but they’ve outplayed, outsmarted, and outworked you. It could be a lucky win, or an undeserved win. Regardless, the point is that whatever you call it, a bad win is still better than a good loss. Pete Carril

No drill is any good unless its used in some form in the game. There is no transfer of learning. I emphasize to my guys thatPin

No drill is any good unless it’s used in some form in the game. There is no transfer of learning. I emphasize to my guys that anything we do in practice is not a drill. If they get to thinking it’s a drill, they won’t notice it’s the same thing that goes on in the game. I have to tell them that what we’re doing in practice is exactly what happens in a game. Everything we do in practice must show itself somewhere in the game, or else we don’t do it. Pete Carril

When you demand a lot my experience has been that you get more. If you insist on less you get that too. Self esteem comes from Pete Carril QuotesPin

When you demand a lot, my experience has been that you get more. If you insist on less, you get that, too. Self-esteem comes from accomplishment, not the other way around. The more you demand, the more they give, the stronger the sense of satisfaction. Pete Carril

Two words to avoid in teaching are always and never.Pin

Two words to avoid in teaching are ‘always’ and ‘never.’ Pete Carril

Theres a tendency for players to believe that because the coach is talking to someone else they dont have to listen. If theyre all Pete Carril QuotesPin

There’s a tendency for players to believe that because the coach is talking to someone else, they don’t have to listen. If they’re all listening, the coach won’t have to repeat the same thing to the guys who weren’t involved. Pete Carril

Coaching is preparation.Pin

Coaching is preparation. Pete Carril
You have to prepare your team for whatever the situation calls for. Thats the fundamental goal of your teaching. Pete Carril QuotesPin
You have to prepare your team for whatever the situation calls for. That’s the fundamental goal of your teaching. Pete Carril

The more talent you have the greater your margin for error for gambling for risk.Pin

The more talent you have, the greater your margin for error, for gambling, for risk. Pete Carril

The most important thing that you can do is DO what you are doing well. The most important thing you can do on or off the court is to Pete Carril QuotesPin

The most important thing that you can do is DO what you are doing well. The most important thing you can do on or off the court is to focus on what you are doing when you are doing it. When you play, PLAY. When you study, STUDY. Pete Carril

A good high school coach is the salt of the earth. And when his teams are well coached a college coach is the direct beneficiaryPin

A good high school coach is the salt of the earth. And when his teams are well coached, a college coach is the direct beneficiary of all his work. When players who have had good high school coaching walk on the floor in college, there isn’t much that a coach has to do. Pete Carril

I cannot emphasize enough what it means to start with that great coach at the sixth or seventh grade who tries to get kids Pete Carril QuotesPin

I cannot emphasize enough what it means to start with that great coach at the sixth or seventh grade who tries to get kids to do things better. Grade school coaches are the unsung heroes of this country and they’re disappearing because it takes a lot of work and constant attention. Sometimes it is too much of a sacrifice. Pete Carril

The smart take from the strong.Pin

The smart take from the strong. Pete Carril Quotes

Its results that count and they should determine your principles. It is a mistake we all make as coaches to think there is only one way of Pete Carril QuotesPin

It’s results that count, and they should determine your principles. It is a mistake we all make as coaches to think there is only one way of doing something. There is not. Whatever works, works. Pete Carril

Whatever you emphasize and to the degree that you do you get better at it.Pin

Whatever you emphasize and to the degree that you do, you get better at it. Pete Carril

The strength of my Princeton teams has always been attitude intelligence and discipline. Pete Carril QuotesPin

The strength of my Princeton teams has always been attitude, intelligence and discipline. Pete Carril

Coaches win practices players win games.Pin

Coaches win practices, players win games. Pete Carril

There is a difference between teaching and coaching. When you are instructing your team about the actual game Pete Carril QuotesPin

There is a difference between teaching and coaching. When you are instructing your team about the actual game, you are teaching them, transmitting knowledge and information to them. Pete Carril

Many times I ask myself the question, Am I trying to teach this player instinct, or am I teaching him a skill Whether you’re trying to teach a college player or a seven year oldPin

Many times I ask myself the question, Am I trying to teach this player instinct, or am I teaching him a skill? Whether you’re trying to teach a college player or a seven-year-old, you are looking for instinct. Pete Carril

Player Development Quotes from Pete Carril

When youre fundamentally unsound you inhibit the way your team can play. Poor fundamentals restrict the things a coach can teach. Pete Carril QuotesPin

When you’re fundamentally unsound, you inhibit the way your team can play. Poor fundamentals restrict the things a coach can teach. Pete Carril

Fakes are like lies. The first thing I tell anyone about faking is that if youre going to fake your move has to look like the real thing.Pin

Fakes are like lies. The first thing I tell anyone about faking is that if you’re going to fake, your move has to look like the real thing. When you go to tell a lie, it has to be close enough to the truth to be believable. Same thing. So often, guys fake so strenuously that they telegraph the fake: Their fake looks like a fake. They shouldn’t work only on one fake; you always want to have more than one weapon. Pete Carril

There will be no credibility to the cut unless the player executes it with authenticity. Pete Carril QuotesPin

There will be no credibility to the cut unless the player executes it with authenticity. Pete Carril Quotes

Behaving intelligently covers the whole realm of knowing what to do. EQ is energy quotient which means having the energy to work atPin

Behaving intelligently covers the whole realm of knowing what to do. EQ is energy quotient, which means having the energy to work at what you’re doing. When your EQ is good, you practice harder, play the game harder, and when it looks as though you cannot move anymore, you find a way to move some more. RQ stands for responsibility quotient. You know what to do, you have the energy or EQ, and now you have to know that whatever it is, it must be done. Pete Carril

Pivoting is one of the most underrated techniques and skills and when you go to teach it someone always asks Why bother Pete Carril QuotesPin

Pivoting is one of the most underrated techniques and skills, and when you go to teach it, someone always asks, Why bother? We have to teach the player to disregard the feeling that it’s not essential, that it’s not necessary in today’s game. One reason some players disregard its importance is that they do it so easily. Generally, guys with large feet seem to have more trouble pivoting smoothly. Pete Carril

As a player you want to be good at those things that happen a lot that cannot be overstated. What happens a lotPin

As a player, you want to be good at those things that happen a lot — that cannot be overstated. What happens a lot? You dribble, you pass, and you shoot — you want to be good at those skills. If what you are doing — what you are good at — doesn’t happen that often, then there’s no real benefit to being good at it. A wise player understands that. Pete Carril

I tell my guys that if they work hard every day then they dont have to worry about game plans or where they play or whom they play Pete Carril QuotesPin

I tell my guys that if they work hard every day, then they don’t have to worry about game plans, or where they play, or whom they play, or about rankings and so on. The quality of their work habits can overcome anything: praise, criticism, good or bad coaching. They have their daily behavior to fall back on. Pete Carril

Work is the main factor in a players success. That is where their character comes out.Pin

Work is the main factor in a player’s success. That is where their character comes out. Pete Carril

Players who do not compete hard against each other because theyre afraid it will affect their friendship have trouble getting better. Pete Carril QuotesPin

Players who do not compete hard against each other because they’re afraid it will affect their friendship have trouble getting better. Pete Carril

A good mind has never handicapped a player.Pin

A good mind has never handicapped a player. Pete Carril Quotes

When you demand a lot my experience has been that you get more. If you insist on less you get that too. Self esteem comes from Pete Carril QuotesPin

When a player is told what he has to do to become a better player, does he get mad at the coach, or at himself? If he gets made at the coach, he’ll never get better as a player. If he gets mad at himself, he will get better. Pete Carril

A guy who gives you less than what he has to give is one telling you what he thinks of you and two telling you what he thinks of himself.Pin

A guy who gives you less than what he has to give is, one, telling you what he thinks of you, and two, telling you what he thinks of himself. Pete Carril

Good players are always moving their legs.Pin

Good players are always moving their legs. Pete Carril

The essence of character is what I call mental and physical courage. Everybody has the potential for courage but some peoplePin

The essence of character is what I call mental and physical courage. Everybody has the potential for courage, but some people — because they have had to demonstrate it all their lives — are good at it, whereas others are not until the need suddenly arises and they have to learn to react. Basketball brings out the need for courage. Pete Carril

Conditioning I tell my players if you play hard every time you play youll be in good enough shape. Once practice starts wePin

Conditioning: I tell my players if you play hard every time you play, you’ll be in good enough shape. Once practice starts, we work hard and that’s the best conditioning there is. Everything counts. Run hard, play hard, go after the ball hard, guard hard. Everything we do is game-condition because how you play in practice is how you’ll play in a game. Pete Carril

If a guy cannot pass the ball stops moving. If he cannot shoot he will always be open. If he cannot dribble he cuts his value to the teamPin

If a guy cannot pass, the ball stops moving. If he cannot shoot, he will always be open. If he cannot dribble, he cuts his value to the team by one third. Furthermore, if he cannot dribble, the defense will attack him. If you want to become a better dribbler, dribble. Dribble on a court, with a man guarding you. Pete Carril

If you want to learn how to shoot a specific shot in basketball get the mechanics straight then go out and practice hard. Once you have thePin

If you want to learn how to shoot a specific shot in basketball, get the mechanics straight, then go out and practice hard. Once you have the right basics, you can teach yourself how to shoot. Pete Carril

Heres the thing about teaching basketball Its just like teaching a subject in school. You stand in front of the class saying the samePin

Here’s the thing about teaching basketball: It’s just like teaching a subject in school. You stand in front of the class saying the same thing to everyone, and yet you have these differences in their ability to learn and utilize the information. The same is true in basketball. There is a limitation to what you can teach. Pete Carril

The free throw is the only shot in basketball where its okay to be greedy.Pin

The free throw is the only shot in basketball where it’s okay to be greedy. Pete Carril

I always spent a good half hour every day on basics. And one thing I noticed Sometimes in an effort to shorten our practices we cut out the basics.Pin

I always spent a good half-hour every day on basics. And one thing I noticed: Sometimes in an effort to shorten our practices, we cut out the basics. If we did that for a long period of time, the guys began to slip. The basics remain the key to success on every level of the game, and you can teach them. Pete Carril Quotes

I dont recruit players who are nasty to their parents. I look for players who realize the world doesnt revolve around them.Pin

I don’t recruit players who are nasty to their parents. I look for players who realize the world doesn’t revolve around them. Pete Carril

Coaches and players alike want immediate results. It is hard to teach things that take time to learn. The players themselves when theyrePin

Coaches and players alike want immediate results. It is hard to teach things that take time to learn. The players themselves, when they’re young, are impatient, and they don’t want to take the time to develop other skills if they see right away they what pleases their coach, what produces immediate results like winning and success, is performing one particular function. So they don’t learn the skills, and it becomes hard for them to adjust and improve. Pete Carril

Cut with credibility. What I like my guys to do on offense to start a game is pass and cut through the defense. The minute you do youPin

Cut with credibility. What I like my guys to do on offense to start a game is pass and cut through the defense. The minute you do, you start to move the defense, a main goal. It also helps to identify the defense, whether it’s a zone, a combo, or a man-to-man. It is essential that when a cutter cuts through, he look for the ball. There will be no credibility to the cut unless the player executes it with authenticity, i.e., believes he might receive the ball. Pete Carril

Pete Carril on Offense and Defense

The truth is you can take whatever defensive philosophy you want and reverse it and a forceful coach will make it work. Its mostly attitudePin

The truth is, you can take whatever defensive philosophy you want and reverse it and a forceful coach will make it work. It’s mostly attitude and effort that make a defense successful. But one thing — putting pressure on the ball — has more of an impact than any philosophical discussion of how to guard a man. If each player, when he guards his man, can press him, put pressure on him, you’ll disturb passes and intimidate your opponents. Pete Carril

Passing was the single greatest attribute of my teams over the years. A passer who can see people open is the samePin

Passing was the single greatest attribute of my teams over the years. A passer who can see people open is the same guy who sees where and when to screen, avoid picks, helps on defense — in other words, he can see. The passer is the same guy who knows where weaknesses are, where the drives are, and where everybody on the floor is. Pete Carril

Defense is the heart of our game. Good defense is recognizable even when youre losing.Pin

Defense is the heart of our game. Good defense is recognizable even when you’re losing. Pete Carril

The object of my defensive strategy is to contest every pass and shot to force the opponent to move the ball under continuous pressure. I want the otherPin

The object of my defensive strategy is to contest every pass and shot, to force the opponent to move the ball under continuous pressure. I want the other team to play offense longer than they’re used to.  Pete Carril

Defense is head heart and legs.Pin

Defense is head, heart, and legs. Pete Carril

Every little thing you do on offense counts. That means every pass every cut every screen every dribble is part of the end result andPin

Every little thing you do on offense counts. That means every pass, every cut, every screen, every dribble is part of the end result and therefore require care and concern. We try to make it simple and we work hard to make things easy. Pete Carril

The main goal of the offense is to get a shot you can make a good shot every time you have the ball.Pin

The main goal of the offense is to get a shot you can make, a good shot, every time you have the ball. Pete Carril Quotes

Solving a press. When you get pressed there are three important things you need First you need someone who is good at taking the ball outPin

Solving a press. When you get pressed, there are three important things you need: First, you need someone who is good at taking the ball out — someone who can see which man is open and isn’t going to get into trouble if he gets the ball. If the guy throwing the ball in panics, or is blind, he’s going to throw the ball hurriedly, and because of where he throws it, he’s going to get the player catching it in trouble. Second, you need a player who can advance the ball to the other end of the court. Third, you have to have a scorer at the end of the press, someone who knows what to do when he gets the ball. Pete Carril

Use your assets You have to take advantage of what you have. If you have a fast team and you dont run youre being stupid.Pin

Use your assets: You have to take advantage of what you have. If you have a fast team and you don’t run, you’re being stupid. And if you have a slow team, you must take the run out of the game. Pete Carril

Nothing is more intimidating than deflecting passes. It makes a passer very tentative. I say that if you dont use your hands youre committing aPin

Nothing is more intimidating than deflecting passes. It makes a passer very tentative. I say that if you don’t use your hands, you’re committing a bigger sin and aren’t as effective defensively. My view on this is also controversial. Pete Carril

Size is not the most important thing about rebounding. Knowing how to use your body seeing where the ball is going thats what counts.Pin

Size is not the most important thing about rebounding. Knowing how to use your body, seeing where the ball is going, that’s what counts. It is not the guy who jumps the highest. The guy who jumps the highest is all alone. Jumping in a crowd is another story. Just watch guys like Larry Bird. A good rebounder plays for position, but is always attentive to the ball. You cannot lose sight of the ball. You’ve got to have some idea where the ball is going and how to prevent your man from getting it. Pete Carril

Defense is not a variable. Its a constant. Defense has to be deeply embedded in your attitude. Its something you can do well every timePin

Defense is not a variable. It’s a constant. Defense has to be deeply embedded in your attitude. It’s something you can do well every time — both the individual and the team. Skill is a variable. Work is not a variable. It’s an attitude. Pete Carril

To score you gotta move the ball. We pass to move the defense and every pass counts. What I also love about passing is how muchPin

To score, you gotta move the ball. We pass to move the defense, and every pass counts. What I also love about passing is how much it helps to build team morale. Passing takes the tension out of a game. Passing makes everybody feel a part of the game, a part of the team. Pete Carril Quotes

No single aspect of basketball does more to develop good team play than passing. The first thing I look for in a high school player is Can he passPin

No single aspect of basketball does more to develop good team play than passing. The first thing I look for in a high school player is, Can he pass? If he can, he’s the same guys who can cut, and can defend. Pete Carril

Make a zone run First you must recognize the zone Is it a 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 or some combinationPin

Make a zone run: First, you must recognize the zone: Is it a 2-1-2, 2-3, 1-2-2, 1-3-1, or some combination? Then you must remember that your decision how to attack the zone has to be based on the shot you can make. To say it another way: The shot you can make dictates your offense against the zone. The quality of your passing will determine the quality of your shot. Move the ball and move yourself so that you make the zone run. Pete Carril

The quality of the pass leads directly to the quality of the shotPin

The quality of the pass leads directly to the quality of the shot. Pete Carril

Pete Carril’s Legacy for Basketball

Pete Carril, a legendary figure in the world of basketball, left an indelible mark on the sport through his innovative coaching techniques and profound influence on players and coaches alike. His legacy extends far beyond his tenure as a coach, shaping the very fabric of basketball at all levels.

Carril’s most notable contribution to the game lies in his development and implementation of the Princeton Offense. This intricate system, characterized by constant motion, precise passing, and high basketball IQ, revolutionized offensive strategies in basketball. The principles of the Princeton Offense emphasized teamwork, spacing, and player movement, rather than relying solely on individual talent. Carril’s teams at Princeton University became synonymous with this style of play, earning admiration for their disciplined execution and strategic brilliance.

Beyond the Xs and Os, Carril’s coaching philosophy emphasized fundamentals and discipline. He instilled in his players a deep understanding of the game and a commitment to selflessness on the court. Carril’s emphasis on teamwork and player development fostered an environment where every player had the opportunity to contribute to the team’s success, regardless of individual talent or athleticism.

Carril’s impact on players transcended the basketball court. He was known for his mentorship and guidance, shaping not only the skills of his players but also their character and values. Many of Carril’s former players have spoken fondly of the lessons they learned from him, both in basketball and in life. His influence extended beyond his immediate coaching circle, inspiring countless players and coaches around the world to adopt his principles of teamwork, discipline, and selflessness.

In addition to his influence on players, Carril’s legacy is evident in the coaching community. His innovative approach to the game sparked a wave of interest in the Princeton Offense, leading coaches at all levels to study and implement his strategies. Carril’s willingness to share his knowledge through coaching clinics, books, and mentorship programs further solidified his status as a respected figure in the coaching fraternity.

Even after his retirement from coaching, Carril remained active in the basketball community, continuing to share his wisdom and insights with aspiring coaches and players. His enduring legacy serves as a testament to his profound impact on the game of basketball, ensuring that his contributions will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come. Pete Carril’s influence on coaching techniques and his impact on players and coaches alike will continue to shape the sport for years to come, cementing his place as one of basketball’s most influential figures.

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