113 Positive Take a Deep Breath Quotes (Exhilarating)

Take a deep breath and find tranquility with these inspiring quotes. Let’s explore the art of relaxation and mindfulness!

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Positive Quotes on The Power of Deep Breathing

Just a single thought is capable of changing the breathing pattern. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Just a single thought is capable of changing the breathing pattern. Isle Middendorf

Deep breathing brings deep thinking and shallow breathing brings shallow thinking.Pin

Deep breathing brings deep thinking and shallow breathing brings shallow thinking. Elsie Lincoln Benedict

The wisest one word sentence? Breathe. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

The wisest one-word sentence? Breathe. Terri Guillemets

When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady when the breath is still all is still.Pin

When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still; all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit. Goraksasathakam

You will get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment sooner... so relax, breathe, and be patient. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

You will get there when you are meant to get there and not one moment sooner… so relax, breathe, and be patient. Mandy Hale

Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.Pin

Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break. Akiroq Brost

Let your body breathe. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Let your body breathe. Adrienne Posey

Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.Pin

Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite. D. Antoinette Foy

There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there's another way a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there’s another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity. Rumi

Inhale love, exhale gratitude.Pin

Inhale love, exhale gratitude.

Peace begins with a deep breath. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Peace begins with a deep breath.

Life is pretty easy. Breathe in and breathe out, then repeat.Pin

Life is pretty easy. Breathe in and breathe out, then repeat.

That breath that you just took...that's a gift. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

That breath that you just took…that’s a gift. Rob Bell Positive Take a Deep Breath Quotes

Nearly every physical problem is accompanied by a disturbance of breathing. But which comes first?Pin

Nearly every physical problem is accompanied by a disturbance of breathing. But which comes first? Hans Weller M.D. Positive Take a Deep Breath Quotes

Breathe deeply, live fully. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe deeply, live fully.

Breathe deeply and remember to love.Pin

Breathe deeply and remember to love. Scott Stabile

Breathing control gives man strength, vitality, inspiration, and magic powers. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathing control gives man strength, vitality, inspiration, and magic powers. Zhuangzi

Breathe in, take what life hands you hold it, accept it breathe out, let it go.Pin

Breathe in, take what life hands you; hold it, accept it; breathe out, let it go. Susan Gable

Sometimes it's OK if the only thing you did today was breathe. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Sometimes it’s OK if the only thing you did today was breathe.

Fear is excitement without the breath.Pin

Fear is excitement without the breath. Fritz Perls, M.D.

Breathe in possibilities, exhale limitations. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe in possibilities, exhale limitations.

Be happy. God gave you a breath to breathe every day. You don't need to be mad about nothin'.Pin

Be happy. God gave you a breath to breathe every day. You don’t need to be mad about nothin’. Lamar Jackson

Breathe. It's just a bad day, not a bad life. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.

Embracing Positivity: Deep Breathing Quotes

Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life.Pin

Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life. Giovanni Papini

Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. Frank Sinatra

Your shoulder muscles can restrict your breathing. Your chest muscles can restrict your breathing. Your ankle muscles can restrict your breathing.Pin

Your shoulder muscles can restrict your breathing. Your chest muscles can restrict your breathing. Your ankle muscles can restrict your breathing. Michael Grant White

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness.

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.Pin

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.

Only those who know how to breathe will survive. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Only those who know how to breathe will survive. Pundit Acharya

When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.Pin

When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.

Inhale the present, exhale the past. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Inhale the present, exhale the past.

Life isnโ€™t measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.Pin

Life isnโ€™t measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Breathe consciously and with full intent to relax. In your breath is your freedom from the past and future and your ability to be here now. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe consciously and with full intent to relax. In your breath is your freedom from the past and future and your ability to be here now. Ari Zandieh

Keep breathing. Just keep doing it. It's easy. In and out.Pin

Keep breathing. Just keep doing it. It’s easy. In and out. Jenny Downham

Breathe in calm, exhale chaos. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe in calm, exhale chaos.

Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health.Pin

Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health. Andrew Weil, M.D.

Learn how to exhale, the inhale will take care of itself. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Learn how to exhale, the inhale will take care of itself. Carla Melucci Ardito Positive Take a Deep Breath Quotes

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.Pin

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

Breathe in strength, breathe out weakness. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe in strength, breathe out weakness.

Inhale the future, exhale the past.Pin

Inhale the future, exhale the past.

When the mind is agitated, change the pattern of the breath. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

When the mind is agitated, change the pattern of the breath. Patanjali, Yoga Sutras

Breathing affects your respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular, and psychic systems, and also has a general effect on your sleepPin

Breathing affects your respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, muscular, and psychic systems, and also has a general effect on your sleep, memory, ability to concentrate, and your energy levels. Donna Farhi

Your breathing determines whether you are at your best or whether you are at a disadvantage. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Your breathing determines whether you are at your best or whether you are at a disadvantage. Carla H. Speads

We breathe when we're wrong, we breathe when we're right, we breathe even as we slip off the ledge toward an early grave. It cannot be undone. So I breathe.Pin

We breathe when we’re wrong, we breathe when we’re right, we breathe even as we slip off the ledge toward an early grave. It cannot be undone. So I breathe. Tahereh Mafi

Physical and emotional states can be altered by changing the breathing pattern. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Physical and emotional states can be altered by changing the breathing pattern. Wilhem Reich

When people ask me what the most important thing is in life, I answer 'Just breathe.'Pin

When people ask me what the most important thing is in life, I answer: ‘Just breathe.’ Yoko Ono

Your breath is your best friend. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Your breath is your best friend. Professor Ramchandra Gandhi

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.Pin

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. Oprah Winfrey

Quotes on Mindful Breathing for Stress Relief

If you really want โ€˜wellnessโ€™, you need to go back to basics & make sure the foundation of your health your breathing is good. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

If you really want โ€˜wellnessโ€™, you need to go back to basics & make sure the foundation of your health-your breathing-is good. Belisa Vranich

Breathing, according to me, corresponds to taking charge of oneโ€™s own life.Pin

Breathing, according to me, corresponds to taking charge of oneโ€™s own life. Luce Irigaray

Conscious breathing is the best antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Conscious breathing is the best antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression. Amit Ray

Take a deep breath and start again.Pin

Take a deep breath and start again.

Breathe in joy and strength. Breathe out wisdom and peace. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe in joy and strength. Breathe out wisdom and peace.

We breathe, we think, we conceive of our lives as narratives.Pin

We breathe, we think, we conceive of our lives as narratives. Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

Whenever youโ€™re feeling down just breathe. Everything will work its way out in the end. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Whenever youโ€™re feeling down just breathe. Everything will work its way out in the end. Johnny Lung

Inhale blessings, exhale gratitude...Pin

Inhale blessings, exhale gratitude… Jessica Robinson

True breathing is like a flower blooming. If we hold our breath, the bud never opens. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

True breathing is like a flower blooming. If we hold our breath, the bud never opens. Chungliang Al Huan

Breathe. I am loved. I am wanted. I am appreciated.Pin

Breathe. I am loved. I am wanted. I am appreciated.

Breathe deeply and let go of the things that don't serve you. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe deeply and let go of the things that don’t serve you.

If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to simply learn how to breathe correctly.Pin

If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to simply learn how to breathe correctly. Dr. Andrew Weil

Our breathing is a fragile vessel that carries us from birth to death. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Our breathing is a fragile vessel that carries us from birth to death. Dr. Frederick Leboyer

Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on.Pin

Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on. Jimmy Buffet

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky, conscious breathing is my anchor. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky, conscious breathing is my anchor. Thich Nhat Hanh

Just breathe. Tomorrow is a brand new day.Pin

Just breathe. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

Sometimes life takes you into a dark place where you feel it's impossible to breathe. You think you've been buried, but don't give up Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Sometimes life takes you into a dark place where you feel it’s impossible to breathe. You think you’ve been buried, but don’t give up, because if truth be told, you’ve actually been planted. Karen Gibbs

I breathe in my courage and exhale my fear.Pin

I breathe in my courage and exhale my fear.

Do not be afraid that joy will make the pain worse it is needed like the air we breathe. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Do not be afraid that joy will make the pain worse; it is needed like the air we breathe. Goran Persson

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths.Pin

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. Etty Hillesum Positive Take a Deep Breath Quotes

Breathe it all in. Love it all out. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breathe it all in. Love it all out.

The trick to life is to just keep breathing.Pin

The trick to life is to just keep breathing. Johnny Lung

As you breathe right now another person takes his last. So stop complaining, and learn to live your life with what you have. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

As you breathe right now another person takes his last. So stop complaining, and learn to live your life with what you have.

Breathe deeply you are alive for a reason.Pin

Breathe deeply; you are alive for a reason.

Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Breath is the finest gift of nature. Be grateful for this wonderful gift. Amit Ray

Conscious breathing is your anchor.Pin

Conscious breathing is your anchor.

I will breathe. I will think of solutions. I will not let my worry control me. I will not let my stress level break me. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

I will breathe. I will think of solutions. I will not let my worry control me. I will not let my stress level break me. I will simply breathe. And it will be okay. Because I donโ€™t quit. Shayne McClendon

Inhale the Present, Exhale the Past: Take a Deep Breath Quotes

Donโ€™t forget that youโ€™re human. Itโ€™s okay to have a meltdown. Just donโ€™t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where youโ€™re headed.Pin

Donโ€™t forget that youโ€™re human. Itโ€™s okay to have a meltdown. Just donโ€™t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where youโ€™re headed.

Conscious breathing heightens awareness and deepens relaxation. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Conscious breathing heightens awareness and deepens relaxation. Dan Brule Positive Take a Deep Breath Quotes

Just breathe. When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.Pin

Just breathe. When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.

Ignore the noises around you that polarize and try to promote fear and division. You know better. Be better. Breathe. Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

Ignore the noises around you that polarize and try to promote fear and division. You know better. Be better. Breathe. Gregory S. Williams

Just breathe. Ten tiny breaths โ€ฆ Seize them. Feel them. Love them.Pin

Just breathe. Ten tiny breaths โ€ฆ Seize them. Feel them. Love them. K.A. Tucker

There are so many distractions in your daily life that taking the time to pause and consciously breathe is a gift y Positive Take a Deep Breath QuotesPin

There are so many distractions in your daily life that taking the time to pause and consciously breathe is a gift you can give yourself and in so doing you give it to others who feel your sense of calm and inner strength. Ntathu Allen

The breath is a small daily reminder of the cyclic nature of life. We are constantly inhaling and exhaling in our lives.Pin

The breath is a small daily reminder of the cyclic nature of life. We are constantly inhaling and exhaling in our lives. We take in information and let it go. We rise like the breath and we also fall. Sometimes we feel full and sometimes we are empty. Jenny C. Bell

For breath is life, so if you breathe well you will live long on earth.Pin

For breath is life, so if you breathe well you will live long on earth. Sanskrit Proverb

No matter what we eat, how much we exercise, how resilient our genes are, how skinny or young or wise we arePin

No matter what we eat, how much we exercise, how resilient our genes are, how skinny or young or wise we are-none of it will matter unless weโ€™re breathing correctly. James Nestor

The breath is always present. It lives and dies so quickly it doesn't have time to occupy thoughts.Pin

The breath is always present. It lives and dies so quickly it doesn’t have time to occupy thoughts. Psil Silva

Breathe. To Pause. To make space. To collect your thoughts. To remember. To face the next moment. To choose.Pin

Breathe. To Pause. To make space. To collect your thoughts. To remember. To face the next moment. To choose.

Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find its way.Pin

Don’t worry, just breathe. If it’s meant to be, it will find its way.
Breathe as long as the sky is alive.Pin
Breathe as long as the sky is alive. Munia Khan

I learned that when life pulls you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again.Pin

I learned that when life pulls you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again. Sheryl Sandberg

The more we talk about our troubles and our fears, the more life we breathe into them.Pin

The more we talk about our troubles and our fears, the more life we breathe into them. Evinda Lepins

Inhale courage, exhale fear.Pin

Inhale courage, exhale fear.

I strongly suspect that all children engage in โ€œadvanced breathinghealing practices, only to forget them as the habits of age literally take the breath away.Pin

I strongly suspect that all children engage in โ€œadvanced breathing/healing practices, only to forget them as the habits of age literally take the breath away. Michael Sky Positive Take a Deep Breath Quotes

Shallow breathers poison themselves.Pin

Shallow breathers poison themselves. Paul Bragg

A healthy mind has an easy breath.Pin

A healthy mind has an easy breath.

Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body.Pin

Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body.Thich Nhat Hanh

The quality of your life is measured by the number of deep breaths you take. Make each breath count.Pin

The quality of your life is measured by the number of deep breaths you take. Make each breath count. Richie Norton

Breathe. A great time to relax is when you don't have time for it.Pin

Breathe. A great time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. Sydney Harris

Without full awareness of breathing, there can be no development of meditative stability and understanding.Pin

Without full awareness of breathing, there can be no development of meditative stability and understanding. Thich Nhat Hanh

You donโ€™t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.Pin

You donโ€™t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.

Reset yourself. Collect yourself. Breathe. Be still.Pin

Reset yourself. Collect yourself. Breathe. Be still.

Breathe in the beauty all around you.Pin

Breathe in the beauty all around you. A.D. Posey

Breathing is the key to mindfulness.Pin

Breathing is the key to mindfulness.

Some things are out of your control, but not your breath.Pin

Some things are out of your control, but not your breath. R.S. Grey

Breathe. This too will pass.Pin

Breathe. This too will pass. Edward FitzGerald

Remember to breathe. It is, after all, the secret of life.Pin

Remember to breathe. It is, after all, the secret of life. Gregory Maguire

Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state.Pin

Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. Just lie down. Natalie Goldberg

Breathing well means living well.Pin

Breathing well means living well.

Breathe in. Hello, moment. Breathe out. I am here.Pin

Breathe in. Hello, moment. Breathe out. I am here.

What has to be taught first, is the breath.Pin

What has to be taught first, is the breath. Confucius

Just breathe... You will never live this moment again.Pin

Just breathe… You will never live this moment again.

When you hold the breath, you hold the soul.Pin

When you hold the breath, you hold the soul. B.K.S. Iyengar

Sometimes you just have to stop, take a deep breath, and put things into perspective.Pin

Sometimes you just have to stop, take a deep breath, and put things into perspective. Katrina Mayer

Let every cell dance, love in harmony and breathe through yoga poses.Pin

Let every cell dance, love in harmony and breathe through yoga poses. Debasish Mridha

Mindful Breathing at Work: Your Secret to Zen in the Cubicle Jungle

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the office environment can often feel like a whirlwind of demands, deadlines, and stress. With email notifications chiming, meetings piling up, and endless to-do lists, it’s easy to lose your sense of calm. But what if there was a simple, effective strategy to reclaim your serenity amidst the chaos? Look no further than the powerful practice of mindful breathing.

Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk, the weight of a pending project bearing down on you. The pressure is palpable, and your stress levels are skyrocketing. This is where mindful breathing can make all the difference. The good news is that it’s easy to implement and doesn’t require any special equipment or a quiet space. You can do it right at your desk.

Start by finding a comfortable posture in your chair. Close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so, or simply lower your gaze to your desk. Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose, counting to four as you inhale. Feel your lungs expand, and hold that breath for a count of two. Now, exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to six. As you breathe out, release the tension in your shoulders, and let go of your worries.

Mindful breathing does wonders for reducing workplace stress because it brings your focus to the present moment. Instead of fretting about future tasks or rehashing past errors, you’re fully engaged with your breath. By repeating this process for just a few minutes, you can alleviate stress, boost mental clarity, and increase overall productivity.

Additionally, mindful breathing at work is an excellent tool for conflict resolution and maintaining positive relationships with colleagues. When you feel tension rising in a meeting or a disagreement, take a moment to employ your mindful breathing technique. It will help you remain calm and collected, allowing for more effective communication and problem-solving.

It’s important to note that incorporating mindfulness into your work routine doesn’t mean you have to become a meditation guru. It’s a simple yet potent practice that can seamlessly fit into your daily tasks. Whether you’re stuck in traffic on your way to the office or faced with a mountain of emails, you can always turn to mindful breathing as your trusty stress-reduction tool.

When it comes to tackling workplace stress, the secret is not in the size of your desk or the number of tasks on your to-do list. It’s in the simple yet profound act of mindful breathing. By incorporating this practice into your workday, you can find tranquility, boost productivity, and foster better relationships with your colleagues. So, why wait? Take a deep breath and discover the transformative power of mindfulness at work today.

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