167 Inspirational David Goggins Quotes (Overcome)

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Best David Goggins Quotes

Before you open your mouth and criticize someone, think about how you would feel if you were the person you were criticizing.David Goggins QuotesPin
Before you open your mouth and criticize someone, think about how you would feel if you were the person you were criticizing. David Goggins
Everything in life is a mind game! Whenever we get swept under by life’s dramas, large and small, we are forgetting that no matter how bad the pain gets, no matter how harrowing the torture, all bad things end.Pin
Everything in life is a mind game! Whenever we get swept under by life’s dramas, large and small, we are forgetting that no matter how bad the pain gets, no matter how harrowing the torture, all bad things end. David Goggins
I was the sum total of the obstacles I'd overcome.Pin
I was the sum total of the obstacles I’d overcome. David Goggins
Don’t get mad at others because life is kicking your ass.David Goggins QuotesPin
Don’t get mad at others because life is kicking your ass. David Goggins
Life isn’t always about doing the things we like to do. It’s about doing things we have to do.Pin
Life isn’t always about doing the things we like to do. It’s about doing things we have to do. David Goggins
Don’t put a label on me just to make yourself feel better.David Goggins Quotes Pin
Don’t put a label on me just to make yourself feel better. David Goggins
When we think we have reached our absolute limit, we still have 60 percent more to give! That’s the governor in action! Once you know that to be true, it’s simply a matter of stretching your pain tolerance, letting go of your identity and all your self-limiting stories, so you can get to 60 percent, then 80 percent and beyond without giving up. I call this The 40% Rule, and the reason it’s so powerful is that if you follow it, you will unlock your mind to new levels of performance and excellence, and your rewards will run far deeper than mere material success. The 40% Rule can be applied to everything. Pin
When we think we have reached our absolute limit, we still have 60 percent more to give! That’s the governor in action! Once you know that to be true, it’s simply a matter of stretching your pain tolerance, letting go of your identity and all your self-limiting stories, so you can get to 60 percent, then 80 percent and beyond without giving up. I call this The 40% Rule, and the reason it’s so powerful is that if you follow it, you will unlock your mind to new levels of performance and excellence, and your rewards will run far deeper than mere material success. The 40% Rule can be applied to everything. David Goggins
Suffering is a test. That’s all it is. Suffering is the true test of life.Pin
Suffering is a test. That’s all it is. Suffering is the true test of life. David Goggins Quotes
The things that we decide to run from are the truth. When you make excuses, you’re running from the truth.Pin
The things that we decide to run from are the truth. When you make excuses, you’re running from the truth. David Goggins
I thought I’d solved a problem when really I was creating new ones by taking the path of least resistance.Pin
I thought I’d solved a problem when really I was creating new ones by taking the path of least resistance. David Goggins

Never let people who choose the path of least resistance steer you away from your chosen path of most resistance.David Goggins Quotes Pin

Never let people who choose the path of least resistance steer you away from your chosen path of most resistance. David Goggins
You can push yourself to a place that is beyond the current capability or temporal mindset of the people you work with, and that’s okay. Just know that your supposed superiority is a figment of your own ego. So don’t lord it over them, because it won’t help you advance as a team or as an individual in your field. Instead of getting angry that your colleagues can’t keep up, help pick your colleagues up and bring them with you!We all need to face our own weaknesses and insecurities.David Goggins Quotes Pin
You can push yourself to a place that is beyond the current capability or temporal mindset of the people you work with, and that’s okay. Just know that your supposed superiority is a figment of your own ego. So don’t lord it over them, because it won’t help you advance as a team or as an individual in your field. Instead of getting angry that your colleagues can’t keep up, help pick your colleagues up and bring them with you! We all need to face our own weaknesses and insecurities. David Goggins
Most people who doubt you, doubt you because they can never see themselves doing what you are trying to do.David Goggins QuotesPin
Most people who doubt you, doubt you because they can never see themselves doing what you are trying to do. David Goggins
From this point forward, accept the following as Goggins’ laws of nature: You will be made fun of. You will feel insecure. You may not be the best all the time. You may be the only black, white, Asian, Latino, female, male, gay, lesbian or [fill in your identity here] in a given situation. There will be times when you feel alone. Get over it!Pin
From this point forward, accept the following as Goggins’ laws of nature: You will be made fun of. You will feel insecure. You may not be the best all the time. You may be the only black, white, Asian, Latino, female, male, gay, lesbian or [fill in your identity here] in a given situation. There will be times when you feel alone. Get over it! David Goggins
If you want to get better, do the things that no-one else wants to do. Do the things that no-one is even thinking about doing.David Goggins QuotesPin
If you want to get better, do the things that no-one else wants to do. Do the things that no-one is even thinking about doing. David Goggins
If you choose to do something, attack it. Pin
If you choose to do something, attack it. David Goggins
When you think that you are done, you’re only 40% into what your body’s capable of doing. That’s just the limits that we put on ourselves.David Goggins Quotes Pin
When you think that you are done, you’re only 40% into what your body’s capable of doing. That’s just the limits that we put on ourselves. David Goggins
Life is one big tug of war between mediocrity and trying to find your best self.David Goggins QuotesPin
Life is one big tug of war between mediocrity and trying to find your best self. David Goggins
My work ethic is the single most important factor in all of my accomplishments.Pin
My work ethic is the single most important factor in all of my accomplishments. David Goggins
You’re probably living at about 40% of your true capability. Pin
You’re probably living at about 40% of your true capability. David Goggins
Our culture has become hooked on the quick-fix, the life hack, efficiencyPin
Our culture has become hooked on the quick-fix, the life hack, efficiency. Everyone is on the hunt for that simple action algorithm that nets maximum profit with the least amount of effort. There’s no denying this attitude may get you some of the trappings of success, if you’re lucky, but it will not lead to a calloused mind or self-mastery. David Goggins
 A lot of people put <a href=Pinmotivational quotes up on the wall, and all they do is collect dust. Become what that quote says. Live it every day.David Goggins Quotes” width=”800″ height=”800″ />
A lot of people put motivational quotes up on the wall, and all they do is collect dust. Become what that quote says. Live it every day. David Goggins
Refused to compromise who I was to conform to their unwritten rules.Pin
Refused to compromise who I was to conform to their unwritten rules. David Goggins
If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up.Pin
If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up. David Goggins
Believe it or not, most people prefer delusion. They blame others or bad luck or chaotic circumstance.Pin
Believe it or not, most people prefer delusion. They blame others or bad luck or chaotic circumstance. David Goggins
Always be willing to embrace ignorance, because that is the only way to expand your body of knowledge and body of work. It’s the only way to expand your mind.David Goggins QuotesPin
Always be willing to embrace ignorance, because that is the only way to expand your body of knowledge and body of work. It’s the only way to expand your mind. David Goggins
No one is going to come help you. No one’s coming to save you.David Goggins QuotesPin
No one is going to come help you. No one’s coming to save you. David Goggins

David Goggins Quotes to Inspire You to Push Your Limits

We live in a world where a lot of people need goals, motivation, and a lot of other words to get started. It’s just a big excuse to not get started.Pin
We live in a world where a lot of people need goals, motivation, and a lot of other words to get started. It’s just a big excuse to not get started. David Goggins
Most of us we live in a box, and we don’t want to go out of that box at all, ever. Outside of that box is all these possibilities of life, but what we do is shackle our mind and we are a prisoner in our own mind.Pin
Most of us we live in a box, and we don’t want to go out of that box at all, ever. Outside of that box is all these possibilities of life, but what we do is shackle our mind and we are a prisoner in our own mind. David Goggins
Everybody wants a quick fix like -minute abs — you may get some results from it, but those results won't be permanent. The permanent results come from you having to suffer.Pin
Everybody wants a quick fix like -minute abs — you may get some results from it, but those results won’t be permanent. The permanent results come from you having to suffer. David Goggins
Let’s take care of our insecurities because they are going to surface when you put yourself in the crucible and you’re suffering.Pin
Let’s take care of our insecurities because they are going to surface when you put yourself in the crucible and you’re suffering. David Goggins
Don’t let someone else’s opinions, feelings, actions, or reality become your reality.David Goggins QuotesPin
Don’t let someone else’s opinions, feelings, actions, or reality become your reality. David Goggins
If you don’t challenge yourself, you don’t know yourself.Pin
If you don’t challenge yourself, you don’t know yourself. David Goggins
You can be born in a fu**ing sewer and still be the baddest motherfu**ker on earth.David Goggins QuotesPin
You can be born in a fu**ing sewer and still be the baddest motherfu**ker on earth. David Goggins
A lot of us don't know about another world that exists for us because it's on the other side of suffering. That's the real growth in life. The things that we decide to run from are the truth.Pin
A lot of us don’t know about another world that exists for us because it’s on the other side of suffering. That’s the real growth in life. The things that we decide to run from are the truth. David Goggins
There is no better way to grow as a person than to do every day something you hate.David Goggins QuotesPin
There is no better way to grow as a person than to do every day something you hate. David Goggins
No matter who you are, who your parents are or were, where you live, what you do for a living, or how much money you have, you’re probably living at about 40 percent of your true capability.David Goggins QuotesPin
No matter who you are, who your parents are or were, where you live, what you do for a living, or how much money you have, you’re probably living at about 40 percent of your true capability. David Goggins Quotes
Most of us are motivated as hell to do anything to pursue our dreams until those around us remind us of the danger, the downside, our own limitations, and all the people before us that didn’t make it.Pin
Most of us are motivated as hell to do anything to pursue our dreams until those around us remind us of the danger, the downside, our own limitations, and all the people before us that didn’t make it. David Goggins
Sometimes, the advice comes from a well-intentioned place. They really believe they are doing it for our own good but if you let them, these same people will talk you out of your dreams, and your governor will help them do it.Pin
Sometimes, the advice comes from a well-intentioned place. They really believe they are doing it for our own good but if you let them, these same people will talk you out of your dreams, and your governor will help them do it. David Goggins
It takes great strength to be vulnerable enough to put your ass on the line, in public, and work toward a dream that feels like it’s slipping away. We all have eyeballs on us. Our family and friends are watching, and even if you’re surrounded by positive people, they will have ideas about who you are, what you’re good at, and how you should focus your energy. That sh*t is just human nature, and if you try to break out of their box you’ll get some unsolicited advice that has a way of smothering your aspirations if you let.Pin
It takes great strength to be vulnerable enough to put your ass on the line, in public, and work toward a dream that feels like it’s slipping away. We all have eyeballs on us. Our family and friends are watching, and even if you’re surrounded by positive people, they will have ideas about who you are, what you’re good at, and how you should focus your energy. That sh*t is just human nature, and if you try to break out of their box you’ll get some unsolicited advice that has a way of smothering your aspirations if you let. David Goggins
I’m a big believer of doing something that sucks every single day of your life. I believe it’s a key component into strengthening your mind.Pin
I’m a big believer of doing something that sucks every single day of your life. I believe it’s a key component into strengthening your mind. David Goggins
No matter what avenue I choose, I want to be the very best. And, the very best may not be #1, but the very best may be ‘Did I leave everything inside of me out there?'David Goggins QuotesPin
No matter what avenue I choose, I want to be the very best. And, the very best may not be #1, but the very best may be ‘Did I leave everything inside of me out there?’ David Goggins
That’s when I first realized that not all physical and mental limitations are real, and that I had a habit of giving up way too soon.Pin
That’s when I first realized that not all physical and mental limitations are real, and that I had a habit of giving up way too soon. David Goggins
In this life there are countless trails to self-realization, though most demand intense discipline, so very few take them.Pin
In this life there are countless trails to self-realization, though most demand intense discipline, so very few take them. David Goggins
The only way that you’re ever going to get to the other side of this journey is by suffering. You have to suffer in order to grow. Some people get it, some people don’t.Pin
The only way that you’re ever going to get to the other side of this journey is by suffering. You have to suffer in order to grow. Some people get it, some people don’t. David Goggins
In my mind I’m that racehorse always chasing a carrot I’ll never catch, forever trying to prove myself to myself. And when you live that way and attain a goal, success feels anti-climactic. Pin
In my mind I’m that racehorse always chasing a carrot I’ll never catch, forever trying to prove myself to myself. And when you live that way and attain a goal, success feels anti-climactic. David Goggins
Anytime someone mistreats you it is because they have issues.David Goggins QuotesPin
Anytime someone mistreats you it is because they have issues. David Goggins
Normal people don’t abuse others.Pin
Normal people don’t abuse others. David Goggins
Don’t focus on what you think you deserve. Take aim at what you are willing to earn.Pin
Don’t focus on what you think you deserve. Take aim at what you are willing to earn. David Goggins
The confidence I’d managed to develop didn’t come from a perfect family or God-given talent. It came from personal accountability which brought me self respect, and self respect will always light a way forward.Pin
The confidence I’d managed to develop didn’t come from a perfect family or God-given talent. It came from personal accountability which brought me self respect, and self respect will always light a way forward. David Goggins
The only reason why I became successful was because I went towards the truth. As painful and as brutal as it is, it changed me. It allowed me, in my own right, to become the person who I am today.Pin
The only reason why I became successful was because I went towards the truth. As painful and as brutal as it is, it changed me. It allowed me, in my own right, to become the person who I am today. David Goggins
No matter what you or I achieve, in sports, business, or life, we can’t be satisfied. Life is too dynamic a game. We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse. Yes, we need to celebrate our victories. There’s power in victory that’s transformative, but after our celebration we should dial it down, dream up new training regimens, new goals, and start at zero the very next day. David Goggins QuotesPin
No matter what you or I achieve, in sports, business, or life, we can’t be satisfied. Life is too dynamic a game. We’re either getting better or we’re getting worse. Yes, we need to celebrate our victories. There’s power in victory that’s transformative, but after our celebration we should dial it down, dream up new training regimens, new goals, and start at zero the very next day. David Goggins
Thicken your skin. Become more of a human being. Don’t be afraid of the reflection in the mirror.David Goggins QuotesPin
Thicken your skin. Become more of a human being. Don’t be afraid of the reflection in the mirror. David Goggins
It’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you.David Goggins QuotesPin
It’s possible to transcend anything that doesn’t kill you. David Goggins

David Goggins Quotes on Being Comfortable

I didn’t let my desire for comfort rule me.Pin
I didn’t let my desire for comfort rule me. David Goggins
We live a life defined by the limits we imagine and desire for ourselves because it’s comfortable as hell in that box.Pin
We live a life defined by the limits we imagine and desire for ourselves because it’s comfortable as hell in that box. David Goggins
It's funny, humans tend to hatch our most challenging goals and dreams, the ones that demand our greatest effort yet promise absolutely nothing when we are tucked into our comfort zones.David Goggins QuotesPin
It’s funny, humans tend to hatch our most challenging goals and dreams, the ones that demand our greatest effort yet promise absolutely nothing when we are tucked into our comfort zones. David Goggins
I'm a big believer in doing things that make you uncomfortable. So, we live in a world where we want to be as comfortable as we can. And we wonder why we have no growth. We wonder why - when the smallest thing in our life gets difficult - we wonder why we cower and we run away.Pin
I’m a big believer in doing things that make you uncomfortable. So, we live in a world where we want to be as comfortable as we can. And we wonder why we have no growth. We wonder why – when the smallest thing in our life gets difficult – we wonder why we cower and we run away. David Goggins
Our whole life is set up in the path of least resistance. We don't want to suffer. We don't want to feel discomfort. So the whole time, we're living our lives in a very comfortable area. There's no growth in that.Pin
Our whole life is set up in the path of least resistance. We don’t want to suffer. We don’t want to feel discomfort. So the whole time, we’re living our lives in a very comfortable area. There’s no growth in that. David Goggins
A lot of us surround ourselves with people who speak to our desire for comfort. People who would rather treat the pain of our wounds and prevent further injury than help us callous over them and try again. We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear, but at the same time not make us feel we’re up against the impossible. Pin
A lot of us surround ourselves with people who speak to our desire for comfort. People who would rather treat the pain of our wounds and prevent further injury than help us callous over them and try again. We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear, but at the same time not make us feel we’re up against the impossible. David Goggins
It may be satisfactory, but that’s another word for mediocrity.Pin
It may be satisfactory, but that’s another word for mediocrity. David Goggins
You are stopping you. You are giving up instead of getting hard.David Goggins QuotesPin
You are stopping you. You are giving up instead of getting hard. David Goggins Quotes
The reason I became 297 pounds is because that was comfortable. What was very uncomfortable was running. What was very uncomfortable was being on a diet. What was very uncomfortable was trying to face things that I didn't want to face. And I also realized, when I was really big, I had no growth. Why? Because I was living comfortable.Pin
The reason I became 297 pounds is because that was comfortable. What was very uncomfortable was running. What was very uncomfortable was being on a diet. What was very uncomfortable was trying to face things that I didn’t want to face. And I also realized, when I was really big, I had no growth. Why? Because I was living comfortable. David Goggins
Very few people know how the bottom feels, but I do. It’s like quicksand. It grabs you, sucks you under, and won’t let go. When life is like that it’s easy to drift and continue to make the same comfortable choices that are killing you, over and over again. Pin
Very few people know how the bottom feels, but I do. It’s like quicksand. It grabs you, sucks you under, and won’t let go. When life is like that it’s easy to drift and continue to make the same comfortable choices that are killing you, over and over again. David Goggins
We are all fighting the same battle. All of us are torn between comfort and performance, between settling for mediocrity or being willing to suffer in order to become our best self, all the damn time.David Goggins Quotes Pin
We are all fighting the same battle. All of us are torn between comfort and performance, between settling for mediocrity or being willing to suffer in order to become our best self, all the damn time. David Goggins
Comfort zones: If you live in one too long… that becomes your norm. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.David Goggins QuotesPin
Comfort zones: If you live in one too long… that becomes your norm. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. David Goggins
I didn’t let my desire for comfort rule me.David Goggins QuotesPin
I didn’t let my desire for comfort rule me. David Goggins
Life will always be the most grueling endurance sport, and when you train hard, get uncomfortable, and callous your mind, you will become a more versatile competitor, trained to find a way forward no matter what.Pin
Life will always be the most grueling endurance sport, and when you train hard, get uncomfortable, and callous your mind, you will become a more versatile competitor, trained to find a way forward no matter what. David Goggins
Life is a battle between trying to find more of yourself knowing that the real you is afraid, likes comfort, likes to be patted on the back, and doing what you need to do to get better.Pin
Life is a battle between trying to find more of yourself knowing that the real you is afraid, likes comfort, likes to be patted on the back, and doing what you need to do to get better. David Goggins
You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realizing your true potential.David Goggins QuotesPin
You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft, that you will die without ever realizing your true potential. David Goggins

More Inspiring Quotes from David Goggins

Don't stop when you're tired. Stop when you're done.Pin
Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done. David Goggins
Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit. But it’s what you do at that moment that determines who you are.David Goggins QuotesPin
Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit. But it’s what you do at that moment that determines who you are. David Goggins
We live in an external world. Everything, you have to see it, touch it. If you can for the rest of your life, live inside yourself – to find greatness, you have to go inside.Pin
We live in an external world. Everything, you have to see it, touch it. If you can for the rest of your life, live inside yourself – to find greatness, you have to go inside. David Goggins
Breaking the shackles and stretching beyond our own perceived limits takes hard f*cking work—oftentimes physical work—and when you put yourself on the line, self doubt and pain will greet you with a stinging combination that will buckle your knees.Pin
Breaking the shackles and stretching beyond our own perceived limits takes hard f*cking work—oftentimes physical work—and when you put yourself on the line, self doubt and pain will greet you with a stinging combination that will buckle your knees. David Goggins
Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance, and beautiful silence.Pin
Pain unlocks a secret doorway in the mind, one that leads to both peak performance, and beautiful silence. David Goggins
There is so much poison that people are feeding people’s minds these days. People want to see you lesser than them. A lot of people want to see you on your back. Be careful who you listen to in this world- they may very well be the infection that keeps your brain sedentary.David Goggins QuotesPin
There is so much poison that people are feeding people’s minds these days. People want to see you lesser than them. A lot of people want to see you on your back. Be careful who you listen to in this world- they may very well be the infection that keeps your brain sedentary. David Goggins
The only way we can change is to be real with ourselves.David Goggins QuotesPin
The only way we can change is to be real with ourselves. David Goggins
We all have the ability to come from nothing to something.Pin
We all have the ability to come from nothing to something. David Goggins
If you want to be one of the few to defy those trends in our ever-softening society, you will have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity, which requires an open mind.David Goggins QuotesPin
If you want to be one of the few to defy those trends in our ever-softening society, you will have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity, which requires an open mind. David Goggins Quotes
If you sit there and have that mentality of 'triple down on what you're good at,' you're never going to grow. You're always going to stay the same.Pin
If you sit there and have that mentality of ‘triple down on what you’re good at,’ you’re never going to grow. You’re always going to stay the same. David Goggins
Nobody cares what you did yesterday. What have you done today to better yourself?David Goggins QuotesPin
Nobody cares what you did yesterday. What have you done today to better yourself? David Goggins
I don’t stop when I’m tired. I stop when I’m done.Pin
I don’t stop when I’m tired. I stop when I’m done. David Goggins
A warrior is a guy that goes, I’m here again today. I’ll be here again tomorrow and the next day.’ It’s a person who puts no limit on what’s possible.Pin
A warrior is a guy that goes, I’m here again today. I’ll be here again tomorrow and the next day.’ It’s a person who puts no limit on what’s possible. David Goggins
Be more than motivated, be more than driven, become literally obsessed to the point where people think you’re fu**ing nuts.Pin
Be more than motivated, be more than driven, become literally obsessed to the point where people think you’re fu**ing nuts. David Goggins
You can will yourself to do almost anything you want.Pin
You can will yourself to do almost anything you want. David Goggins
As humans, we’re reading books everyday to try to figure out how to be someone else. What we don’t do is go inside, turn ourselves inside out, and read our own story. You have to look inside to find out what you really want. David Goggins QuotesPin
As humans, we’re reading books everyday to try to figure out how to be someone else. What we don’t do is go inside, turn ourselves inside out, and read our own story. You have to look inside to find out what you really want. David Goggins
When your mind is telling you that you’re done, that you’re exhausted, that you cannot possible go any further, you’re actually 40% done.Pin
When your mind is telling you that you’re done, that you’re exhausted, that you cannot possible go any further, you’re actually 40% done. David Goggins
Anyone who is of sound mind and body can sit down and think of twenty things in their life that could have gone differently. Where maybe they didn’t get a fair shake and where they took the path of least resistance. If you’re one of the few who acknowledge that, want to callous those wounds, and strengthen your character, it’s up to you to go back through your past and make peace with yourself by facing those incidents and all of your negative influences, and accepting them as weak spots in your own character. Only when you identify and accept your weaknesses will you finally stop running from your past. Then those incidents can be used more efficiently as fuel to become better and grow stronger.Pin
Anyone who is of sound mind and body can sit down and think of twenty things in their life that could have gone differently. Where maybe they didn’t get a fair shake and where they took the path of least resistance. If you’re one of the few who acknowledge that, want to callous those wounds, and strengthen your character, it’s up to you to go back through your past and make peace with yourself by facing those incidents and all of your negative influences, and accepting them as weak spots in your own character. Only when you identify and accept your weaknesses will you finally stop running from your past. Then those incidents can be used more efficiently as fuel to become better and grow stronger. David Goggins
You want to be uncommon amongst uncommon people. Period. I became the roughest critic in the world on myself, and that’s what truly changed me. David Goggins QuotesPin
You want to be uncommon amongst uncommon people. Period.
I became the roughest critic in the world on myself, and that’s what truly changed me. David Goggins
Human beings change through study, habit, and stories... when you’re driven, whatever is in front of you, whether it’s racism, sexism, injuries, divorce, depression, obesity, tragedy, or poverty, becomes fuel for your metamorphosis.Pin
Human beings change through study, habit, and stories… when you’re driven, whatever is in front of you, whether it’s racism, sexism, injuries, divorce, depression, obesity, tragedy, or poverty, becomes fuel for your metamorphosis. David Goggins

David Goggins Quotes about Being Successful

We all need small sparks, small accomplishments in our lives to fuel the big ones. Think of your small accomplishments as kindling. When you want a bonfire, you don’t start by lighting a big log. You collect some witch’s hair—a small pile of hay or some dry, dead grass. You light that, and then add small sticks and bigger sticks before you feed your tree stump into the blaze. Because it’s the small sparks, which start small fires, that eventually build enough heat to burn the whole fu**ing forest down. David Goggins QuotesPin
We all need small sparks, small accomplishments in our lives to fuel the big ones. Think of your small accomplishments as kindling. When you want a bonfire, you don’t start by lighting a big log. You collect some witch’s hair—a small pile of hay or some dry, dead grass. You light that, and then add small sticks and bigger sticks before you feed your tree stump into the blaze. Because it’s the small sparks, which start small fires, that eventually build enough heat to burn the whole fu**ing forest down. David Goggins
We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear, but at the same time not make us feel we’re up against the impossible.Pin
We need to surround ourselves with people who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear, but at the same time not make us feel we’re up against the impossible. David Goggins
Every day you will be criticized. Every day you will have doubts. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.Pin
Every day you will be criticized. Every day you will have doubts.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. David Goggins
We are all guilty of allowing so-called experts, or just people who have more experience in a given field than we do, to cap our potential.Pin
We are all guilty of allowing so-called experts, or just people who have more experience in a given field than we do, to cap our potential. David Goggins
We have to train ourselves to be great in every situation that is not perfect.Pin
We have to train ourselves to be great in every situation that is not perfect. David Goggins
You have to constantly prepare your mind to handle challenges that are going to come your way that you cannot control.David Goggins QuotesPin
You have to constantly prepare your mind to handle challenges that are going to come your way that you cannot control. David Goggins
The path to success will leave you callused, bruised, and very tired. It will also leave you empowered.Pin
The path to success will leave you callused, bruised, and very tired. It will also leave you empowered. David Goggins
To exist in this world, we must contend with humiliation, broken dreams, sadness, and loss. That’s just nature. Each specific life comes with its own personalized portion of pain. It’s coming for you. You can’t stop it. And you know it. Pin
To exist in this world, we must contend with humiliation, broken dreams, sadness, and loss. That’s just nature. Each specific life comes with its own personalized portion of pain. It’s coming for you. You can’t stop it. And you know it. David Goggins
Control your mindset. Dominate your thought process. This life is all a f*cking mind game. Realize that. Own it!Pin
Control your mindset. Dominate your thought process. This life is all a f*cking mind game. Realize that. Own it! David Goggins
In the military we always say we don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.Pin
In the military we always say we don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. David Goggins
Only when you identify and accept your weaknesses will you finally stop running from your past. David Goggins QuotesPin
Only when you identify and accept your weaknesses will you finally stop running from your past. David Goggins
The ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst.Pin
The ticket to victory often comes down to bringing your very best when you feel your worst. David Goggins Quotes
Each hour of his week is dedicated to a particular task and when that hour shows up in real time, he focuses 100 percent on that task. That’s how I do it too, because that is the only way to minimize wasted hours.Pin
Each hour of his week is dedicated to a particular task and when that hour shows up in real time, he focuses 100 percent on that task. That’s how I do it too, because that is the only way to minimize wasted hours. David Goggins
When you find yourself having frivolous conversations or becoming ensnared in activities that don’t better you in any way, move the f*ck on!Pin
When you find yourself having frivolous conversations or becoming ensnared in activities that don’t better you in any way, move the f*ck on! David Goggins
Success is based off of your willingness to work your ass off no matter what obstacles are in your way.Pin
Success is based off of your willingness to work your ass off no matter what obstacles are in your way. David Goggins
High achievement doesn’t require inborn talent. It requires working your ass off. Period.David Goggins QuotesPin
High achievement doesn’t require inborn talent. It requires working your ass off. Period. David Goggins
To those people who say ‘I’m good’, you ain’t good man, you ain’t never fu**ing arrived. That’s just my mentality.Pin
To those people who say ‘I’m good’, you ain’t good man, you ain’t never fu**ing arrived. That’s just my mentality. David Goggins
Teach yourself that it isn’t OK to take the easy way out. Make sure you are bothered by the things you set out to do but did not complete or make time for in the day.Pin
Teach yourself that it isn’t OK to take the easy way out. Make sure you are bothered by the things you set out to do but did not complete or make time for in the day. David Goggins
Evaluate your life in its totality! We all waste so much time doing meaningless bullsh*t. We burn hours on social media and watching television, which by the end of the year would add up to entire days and weeks if you tabulated time like you do your taxes. You should, because if you knew the truth you’d deactivate your Facebook account STAT, and cut your cable. Pin
Evaluate your life in its totality! We all waste so much time doing meaningless bullsh*t. We burn hours on social media and watching television, which by the end of the year would add up to entire days and weeks if you tabulated time like you do your taxes. You should, because if you knew the truth you’d deactivate your Facebook account STAT, and cut your cable. David Goggins
Life experience, especially negative experiences, help callous the mind. But it’s up to you where that callous lines up. If you choose to see yourself as a victim of circumstance into adulthood, that callous will become resentment that protects you from the unfamiliar. It will make you too cautious and untrusting, and possibly too angry at the world. It will make you fearful of change and hard to reach, but not hard of mind. Pin
Life experience, especially negative experiences, help callous the mind. But it’s up to you where that callous lines up. If you choose to see yourself as a victim of circumstance into adulthood, that callous will become resentment that protects you from the unfamiliar. It will make you too cautious and untrusting, and possibly too angry at the world. It will make you fearful of change and hard to reach, but not hard of mind. David Goggins

David Goggins Quotes to Help You Overcome Failure

When you fall down, focus on the solution, not the problem You might quit or fail times. Keep that clear picture of where you want to be.David Goggins QuotesPin
When you fall down, focus on the solution, not the problem You might quit or fail times. Keep that clear picture of where you want to be. David Goggins
You can’t let a simple failure derail your mission, or let it worm so far up your ass it takes over your brain and sabotages your relationships with people who are close to you. Everyone fails sometimes and life isn’t supposed to be fair, much less bend to your every whim. Pin
You can’t let a simple failure derail your mission, or let it worm so far up your ass it takes over your brain and sabotages your relationships with people who are close to you. Everyone fails sometimes and life isn’t supposed to be fair, much less bend to your every whim. David Goggins
We all need to start looking at obstacles very differently in life. Obstacles are purely hidden opportunities.Pin
We all need to start looking at obstacles very differently in life. Obstacles are purely hidden opportunities. David Goggins
The Buddha famously said that life is suffering. I’m not a Buddhist, but I know what he meant and so do you. To exist in this world, we must contend with humiliation, broken dreams, sadness, and loss. That’s just nature.Pin
The Buddha famously said that life is suffering. I’m not a Buddhist, but I know what he meant and so do you. To exist in this world, we must contend with humiliation, broken dreams, sadness, and loss. That’s just nature. David Goggins
Read a record number of books in a given month. If you’re focused on intellectual growth, train yourself to study harder and longer than ever before.Pin
Read a record number of books in a given month. If you’re focused on intellectual growth, train yourself to study harder and longer than ever before. David Goggins Quotes
In every failure there is something to be gained, even if it’s only practice for the next test you’ll have to take. Because that next test is coming. That’s a guarantee.David Goggins QuotesPin
In every failure there is something to be gained, even if it’s only practice for the next test you’ll have to take. Because that next test is coming. That’s a guarantee. David Goggins
Failure is an option. It’s what you do with the failure that makes you who you are. Our failures mold us. I have failed at several things in my life. What sets some of us apart, is that when we fail, we can’t sleep at night. It haunts us until we have our time at redemption. Pin
Failure is an option. It’s what you do with the failure that makes you who you are. Our failures mold us. I have failed at several things in my life. What sets some of us apart, is that when we fail, we can’t sleep at night. It haunts us until we have our time at redemption. David Goggins
In life, there is no gift as overlooked or inevitable as failure.Pin
In life, there is no gift as overlooked or inevitable as failure. David Goggins
Most of us fail in life because we are afraid of what everyone around you is thinking.Pin
Most of us fail in life because we are afraid of what everyone around you is thinking. David Goggins
And if you fail again, so the f*ck be it. Take the pain. Repeat these steps and keep fighting.Pin
And if you fail again, so the f*ck be it. Take the pain. Repeat these steps and keep fighting. David Goggins
Life is not going to pick us up when we fall. There will be forks in the road, knives in your f*cking back, mountains to climb, and we are only capable of living up to the image we create for ourselves. Prepare yourself!David Goggins QuotesPin
Life is not going to pick us up when we fall. There will be forks in the road, knives in your f*cking back, mountains to climb, and we are only capable of living up to the image we create for ourselves. Prepare yourself! David Goggins
We live in a world with a lot of insecure, jealous people. Some of them are our best friends. They are blood relatives. Failure terrifies them.Pin
We live in a world with a lot of insecure, jealous people. Some of them are our best friends. They are blood relatives. Failure terrifies them. David Goggins
So does our success. Because when we transcend what we once thought possible, push our limits, and become more, our light reflects off all the walls they’ve built up around them. Your light enables them to see the contours of their own prison, their own self-limitations. But if they are truly the great people you always believed them to be, their jealousy will evolve, and soon their imagination might hop its fence, and it will be their turn to change for the better. Pin
So does our success. Because when we transcend what we once thought possible, push our limits, and become more, our light reflects off all the walls they’ve built up around them. Your light enables them to see the contours of their own prison, their own self-limitations. But if they are truly the great people you always believed them to be, their jealousy will evolve, and soon their imagination might hop its fence, and it will be their turn to change for the better. David Goggins
In every failure a lot of good things will have happened, and we must acknowledge them.Pin
In every failure a lot of good things will have happened, and we must acknowledge them. David Goggins
You may lose the battle of the morning but don’t lose the war of the day.Pin
You may lose the battle of the morning but don’t lose the war of the day. David Goggins

David Goggins Quotes on Self Talk and Visualization

Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true. Denial is the ultimate comfort zone.David Goggins QuotesPin
Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true. Denial is the ultimate comfort zone. David Goggins
But it’s not the external voice that will break you down. It’s what you tell yourself that matters. The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself. You wake up with them, you walk around with them, you go to bed with them, and eventually you act on them. Whether they be good or bad.Pin
But it’s not the external voice that will break you down. It’s what you tell yourself that matters. The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself. You wake up with them, you walk around with them, you go to bed with them, and eventually you act on them. Whether they be good or bad. David Goggins
You must recognize what you are about to do, highlight what you do not like about it, and spend time visualizing each and every obstacle you can.Pin
You must recognize what you are about to do, highlight what you do not like about it, and spend time visualizing each and every obstacle you can. David Goggins
It won’t always go your way, so you can’t get trapped in this idea that just because you’ve imagined a possibility for yourself that you somehow deserve it. Your entitled mind is dead weight. Cut it loose. Don’t focus on what you think you deserve. Take aim on what you are willing to earn!Pin
It won’t always go your way, so you can’t get trapped in this idea that just because you’ve imagined a possibility for yourself that you somehow deserve it. Your entitled mind is dead weight. Cut it loose. Don’t focus on what you think you deserve. Take aim on what you are willing to earn! David Goggins
But you don’t have to let your doubt into the cockpit! You can tolerate doubt as a backseat driver, but if you put doubt in the pilot’s seat, defeat is guaranteed. Remembering that you’ve been through difficulties before and have always survived to fight again shifts the conversation in your head. It will allow you to control and manage doubt, and keep you focused on taking each and every step necessary to achieve the task at hand. Pin
But you don’t have to let your doubt into the cockpit! You can tolerate doubt as a backseat driver, but if you put doubt in the pilot’s seat, defeat is guaranteed. Remembering that you’ve been through difficulties before and have always survived to fight again shifts the conversation in your head. It will allow you to control and manage doubt, and keep you focused on taking each and every step necessary to achieve the task at hand. David Goggins
Self-talk and visualization are the two keys to my success.David Goggins QuotesPin
Self-talk and visualization are the two keys to my success. David Goggins Quotes
The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself. You wake up with them, you walk around with them, you go to bed with them, and eventually you act on them. Whether they be good or bad. We are all our own worst haters and doubters because self doubt is a natural reaction to any bold attempt to change your life for the better. You can’t stop it from blooming in your brain, but you can neutralize it, and all the other external chatter by asking, What if? Pin
The most important conversations you’ll ever have are the ones you’ll have with yourself. You wake up with them, you walk around with them, you go to bed with them, and eventually you act on them. Whether they be good or bad. We are all our own worst haters and doubters because self doubt is a natural reaction to any bold attempt to change your life for the better. You can’t stop it from blooming in your brain, but you can neutralize it, and all the other external chatter by asking, What if? David Goggins
Self-talk, for me, has been the biggest thing in my life. A lot of us have a dialogue that is crap. It’s a crappy dialogue. We live in a world right now that is very external. Everything is very on the surface. Pin
Self-talk, for me, has been the biggest thing in my life. A lot of us have a dialogue that is crap. It’s a crappy dialogue. We live in a world right now that is very external. Everything is very on the surface. David Goggins
Superficial. Everything. And what we’re telling ourselves is what we see on TV.Pin
Superficial. Everything. And what we’re telling ourselves is what we see on TV. David Goggins
You’re gonna fail, you’re gonna be in your head, and you’re gonna be saying I’m not good enough. It’s about how you overcome that.Pin
You’re gonna fail, you’re gonna be in your head, and you’re gonna be saying I’m not good enough. It’s about how you overcome that. David Goggins
But visualization isn’t simply about daydreaming of some trophy ceremony, real or metaphorical. You must also visualize the challenges that are likely to arise and determine how you will attack those problems when they do. That way you can be as prepared as possible on the journey.David Goggins QuotesPin
But visualization isn’t simply about daydreaming of some trophy ceremony, real or metaphorical. You must also visualize the challenges that are likely to arise and determine how you will attack those problems when they do. That way you can be as prepared as possible on the journey. David Goggins

Mental Toughness Quotes from David Goggins

Life is one big mind game that you’re playing against yourself.Pin
Life is one big mind game that you’re playing against yourself. David Goggins
The more things you can do to get outside of that zone that makes you feel good, the stronger your mind is going to get. It starts getting used to doing things like this. It’s not fun, but now my mind is used to it.Pin
The more things you can do to get outside of that zone that makes you feel good, the stronger your mind is going to get. It starts getting used to doing things like this. It’s not fun, but now my mind is used to it. David Goggins
Remembering what you've been through and how that has strengthened your mindset can lift you out of a negative brain loop and help you bypass those weak, one-second impulses to give in. Even if you're feeling low and beat down by life right now, I guarantee you can think of a time or two when you overcame odds and tasted success.Pin
Remembering what you’ve been through and how that has strengthened your mindset can lift you out of a negative brain loop and help you bypass those weak, one-second impulses to give in. Even if you’re feeling low and beat down by life right now, I guarantee you can think of a time or two when you overcame odds and tasted success. David Goggins
If you’re not physically and mentally prepared for what life is going to throw at you, then you’re just going to crumble, And then, you’re no good to nobody.Pin
If you’re not physically and mentally prepared for what life is going to throw at you, then you’re just going to crumble, And then, you’re no good to nobody. David Goggins
Always remember that all emotional and physical pain is finite.David Goggins QuotesPin
Always remember that all emotional and physical pain is finite. David Goggins
The vast majority of us are slaves to our minds. Most don’t even make the first effort when it comes to mastering their thought process because it’s a never-ending chore and impossible to get right every time.Pin
The vast majority of us are slaves to our minds. Most don’t even make the first effort when it comes to mastering their thought process because it’s a never-ending chore and impossible to get right every time. David Goggins Quotes
Most of this generation quits the second they get talked to. It’s so easy to be great nowadays because most people are just weak. If you have any mental toughness, any fraction of self-discipline, the ability to not want to do it, but still do it, you’ll be successful. Pin
Most of this generation quits the second they get talked to. It’s so easy to be great nowadays because most people are just weak. If you have any mental toughness, any fraction of self-discipline, the ability to not want to do it, but still do it, you’ll be successful. David Goggins
No matter how bad an experience is, it will eventually end. The second we forget this fact, we give over our power and our emotions to other people.Pin
No matter how bad an experience is, it will eventually end. The second we forget this fact, we give over our power and our emotions to other people. David Goggins
There is always more to learn, and you will always have weaknesses to strengthen if you want to become as hard as woodpecker lips.Pin
There is always more to learn, and you will always have weaknesses to strengthen if you want to become as hard as woodpecker lips. David Goggins
Don’t believe everything you feel.David Goggins QuotesPin
Don’t believe everything you feel. David Goggins
People take classes on self-help, mental toughness, breathing control — the only way to get tougher is to put yourself in hellacious situations.Pin
People take classes on self-help, mental toughness, breathing control — the only way to get tougher is to put yourself in hellacious situations. David Goggins
Whenever you decided to follow a dream or set a goal, you are just as likely to come up with all the reasons why the likelihood of success is low. Blame it on the fu**ed-up evolutionary wiring of the human mind. But you don’t have to let your doubt into the cockpit! Pin
Whenever you decided to follow a dream or set a goal, you are just as likely to come up with all the reasons why the likelihood of success is low. Blame it on the fu**ed-up evolutionary wiring of the human mind. But you don’t have to let your doubt into the cockpit! David Goggins
The only way you gain mental toughness is to do things you're not happy doing. If you continue doing things that you're satisfied and make you happy, you're not getting stronger. You're staying where you're at. Either you're getting better, or you're getting worse. You're not staying the same. Pin
The only way you gain mental toughness is to do things you’re not happy doing. If you continue doing things that you’re satisfied and make you happy, you’re not getting stronger. You’re staying where you’re at. Either you’re getting better, or you’re getting worse. You’re not staying the same. David Goggins
It’s easier to accept the fact that you’re just not good enough. We all have a lot more than we think we have.Pin
It’s easier to accept the fact that you’re just not good enough. We all have a lot more than we think we have. David Goggins
Mental toughness is a lifestyle.David Goggins QuotesPin
Mental toughness is a lifestyle. David Goggins
You have to learn to be the person who really doesn’t care if it is and sunny or and windy. You just don’t care and continue moving forward. The obstacle is the opportunity if you are willing to see it that way. Stay hard!Pin
You have to learn to be the person who really doesn’t care if it is and sunny or and windy. You just don’t care and continue moving forward. The obstacle is the opportunity if you are willing to see it that way. Stay hard! David Goggins
Life is one big mind game. The only person you are playing against is yourself. Realize that. Own it!Pin
Life is one big mind game. The only person you are playing against is yourself. Realize that. Own it! David Goggins
To develop an armored mind — a mindset so calloused and hard that it becomes bulletproof — you need to go to the source of all your fears and insecurities.Pin
To develop an armored mind — a mindset so calloused and hard that it becomes bulletproof — you need to go to the source of all your fears and insecurities. David Goggins
Teach yourself that it isn’t OK to take the easy way out. Make sure you are bothered by the things you set out to do but did not complete or make time for in the day.David Goggins QuotesPin
Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability. David Goggins
We can always become stronger and more agile, mentally and physically.David Goggins QuotesPin
We can always become stronger and more agile, mentally and physically. We can always become more capable and more reliable. Since that’s the case we should never feel that our work is done. There is always more to do. David Goggins
If you have any mental toughness, if you have any fraction of self-discipline; The ability to not want to do it, but still do it; If you can get through to doing things that you hate to do: on the other side is greatness.Pin
If you have any mental toughness, if you have any fraction of self-discipline; The ability to not want to do it, but still do it; If you can get through to doing things that you hate to do: on the other side is greatness. David Goggins
You have to build calluses on your brain just like how you build calluses on your hands. Callus your mind through pain and suffering.Pin
You have to build calluses on your brain just like how you build calluses on your hands. Callus your mind through pain and suffering. David Goggins
Luck is a capricious bi***. It won’t always go your way, so you can’t get trapped in this idea that just because you imagined a possibility for yourself that you somehow deserve it.David Goggins Quotes Pin
Luck is a capricious bi***. It won’t always go your way, so you can’t get trapped in this idea that just because you imagined a possibility for yourself that you somehow deserve it. David Goggins
The mind is the most powerful thing in the world. The mind has capabilities that are so unknown, and being able to tap into that is on the other side of suffering.Pin
The mind is the most powerful thing in the world. The mind has capabilities that are so unknown, and being able to tap into that is on the other side of suffering. David Goggins
We are all great. No matter if you think you’re dumb, fat, been bullied, we all have greatness. You gotta find the courage. It’s going to be hard work, discipline, and the non-cognitive skills — hard work, dedication, sacrifice — that will set you apart.David Goggins QuotesPin
We are all great. No matter if you think you’re dumb, fat, been bullied, we all have greatness. You gotta find the courage. It’s going to be hard work, discipline, and the non-cognitive skills — hard work, dedication, sacrifice — that will set you apart. David Goggins
The reason it’s important to push hardest when you want to quit the most is because it helps you callous your mind. It’s the same reason why you have to do your best work when you are the least motivated. That’s why I loved PT in BUD/S and why I still love it today. Physical challenges strengthen my mind so I’m ready for whatever life throws at me, and it will do the same for you. Pin
The reason it’s important to push hardest when you want to quit the most is because it helps you callous your mind. It’s the same reason why you have to do your best work when you are the least motivated. That’s why I loved PT in BUD/S and why I still love it today. Physical challenges strengthen my mind so I’m ready for whatever life throws at me, and it will do the same for you. David Goggins
The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one. David Goggins QuotesPin
The only thing more contagious than a good attitude is a bad one. David Goggins


David Goggins was born On February 17, 1975.

Goggins discusses in the book Can’t Hurt Me how he and other family members were subjected to severe and ongoing violence by his father.  To escape the abuse he moved with his mother to Brazil, Indiana. Between leaving the Air Force and joining the Navy, Goggins worked as a fumigator for pest control in restaurants in Indianapolis, IN.

A survivor of abuse and bigotry who overcame asthma, a learning disability, a stutter, obesity, crushingly low self-esteem, and countless other fears.  His story is a testament to human will. 

While you probably are not interested in studying him to learn to become a world-class athlete, his lessons are inspirational for anything you want to accomplish.  My biggest takeaway from studying him is that we all are capable of much more than we allow ourselves to believe. 

We all have self-limiting beliefs that hold us back.  And, as Goggins has shown, we can overcome those beliefs that hold us back.  When you have reached what you believe are your limits in any field, you probably have only reached about 40% of your potential.

Achievements and Honors: Source Wikipedia

  • Completed SEAL training, Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training.  Goggins is the only person in the history of the United States military to complete all three.
  • He has raised over $2 million dollars or the Special Operations Warrior Foundation Competing in endurance challenges, including the Badwater Ultramarathon three times, has enabled Goggins to raise more than US 2 million for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.
  • Special Warfare insignia
  • Meritorious Service Medal Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal Navy and Marine Corps
  • Achievement Medal with 2 5/16 inch stars
  • Army Achievement Medal Air Force Achievement Medal Combat Action Ribbon
  • Navy Good Conduct Medal with 4 Service Stars National Defense Service Medal with 1 Service star Iraq
  • Campaign Medal with 1 Service star
  • Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Global
  • War on Terrorism Service Medal Military
  • Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
  • Navy and Marine Corps Sea Service Deployment Ribbon with 1 Service star
  • Rifle Marksmanship Medal with Expert Device
  • Pistol Marksmanship Medal with Expert Device
  • Navy and Marine Corps Parachutist Badge
  • Ranger Tab
  • Established a World record of 4,030 pull-ups in 17 hours.

In addition to his military accomplishments, David is considered to be one of the top endurance athletes in the world.  He has competed in over 70 endurance races.  He is a regular finisher in the top five and has won on several occasions as well.   You can see his entire endurance race career results here.

Must Read

Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds

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