183 Encouraging Softball Quotes

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Best Encouraging Softball Quotes

A boy once told me that I play like a girl. I told him if he tried a little harder, he could too. Unknown
You spend your life gripping a softball, but in the end, it was the other way around the whole time. Uknown
Anyone who says that softball is a boring game to watch isn’t looking at the right things. Yvonne Zipter
That’s part of fastpitch softball, being able to move runners and execute the short game. It’s a very quick game. Sixty feet, you bobble it once, and these kids are going to be safe. You have to play quick, but you can’t be in a hurry. John Rittman
The game begins the moment you forget you’re playing. Uknown
Always remember, it’s just a game. Unknown
Growing up, I looked up to major league baseball players, and now these young women have amazing, incredible women all across the board, from swimming to gymnastics to softball to basketball. Jennie Finch
A true champion is someone who wants to make a difference, who never gives up, and who gives everything she has no matter what the circumstances are. A true champion works hard and never loses sight of her dreams. Dot Richardson
Strawberrys always hurt less when the umpire calls you safe. Unknown
Basketball players have the strength. Volleyball players have the reflexes. Track runners have the speed. Put in all together and here we are, softball players. Unknown
Go hard every play. You don’t want to leave anything behind and regret it years down the road that you didn’t give it all when you could have. Ashley DeBuhr
Every day is a good day when you’re playing softball. Unknown
Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you away from playing the game. Unknown
Four bases, three strikes, two teams, one winner. It’s not just a game, but a way of life. Softball, this is my destiny. Unknown
That’s the awesome part. Little girls now have a chance to look up and see women playing soccer, basketball, softball and now hockey and know they can win a gold medal, too. Angela Ruggiero Encouraging Softball Quotes
Somewhere behind the athlete, behind the hours of practice, behind the coaches who have pushed you, is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back. Mia Hamm
The most important thing I know about the spirit of sport… It instills in us the ability to recognize and appreciate the talents of others as well as the gifts we have been given and the ability to work with others as a team. It also allows us to face the challenge of competition, learn from our successes and failures, altogether making us true champions in life. Dot Richardson

Encouraging Softball Quotes for Life

My dad drilled it in my head, you know, If you want it bad enough, and you’re willing to make the sacrifices, you can do it. But first, you have to believe in yourself. Jennie Finch
Every strike brings me closer to the next home run. Babe Ruth
Sometimes the only thing fair in life is the hit between the foul lines. And sometimes that’s all you need. Unknown
One of the most awesome things about sports, particularly team sports, is that everything you need to do to be successful on the playing field carries over directly into life. In a team sport you have to learn how to work together, to set goals, and then work toward those goals in a productive way. You learn to be responsible and you learn how to not only depend on others but also be independent so you can support others. Sheila Cornell Douty
When life throws you a curveball, SWING! Unknown
Take it one pitch at a time. Take it one day at a time. Amanda Scarborough
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. Babe Ruth
Softball has given me so much in life. It’s taught me the kind of person I want to be and given me a sweet sisterhood. It even led me to my husband. Jennie Finch
Fresh cut grass, dragged dirt, a ring of a bat, a diving catch, a blocked ball, sweating, bleeding and sliding into home. Not a bad way to spend a few hours. Unknown
You only get so much time to play the game. Play it right the first time. You don’t get a second try at life. Unknown
The harder we work, the luckier we get. Unknown
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. Babe Ruth
In sport, part of the game is accepting the umpire’s call, no matter how hard that might be. Sometimes the calls go your way, and sometimes they don’t. Dot Richardson
Softball also helps develop teamwork, which is a crucial skill if you want to be successful in life. Unknown
Don’t beat yourself up over a mistake: Recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it. Dean Smith
Never limit yourself, never be satisfied, and smile — it’s free! Jennie Finch
Softball is like love, first you learn the rules of the game, and then you forget the rules and play from your heart. Unknown
The game helps you see how your actions affect other people. Unknown
You can’t steal second with one foot on first. Unknown
Life will always throw you curves, just keep fouling them off, the right pitch will come and when it does be prepared to run the bases. Sara Ann Nielsen
The values learned on the playing field how to set goals, endure, take criticism and risks, become team players, use our beliefs, stay healthy, and deal with stress prepare us for life. Donna de Verona Encouraging Softball Quotes

Motivational Softball Quotes

As teammates, we are always there for one another … everyone has everyone’s back. Whitney Barrett
Bad habits are like a good bed: Easy to get into but difficult to get out of. Unknown
If you look back at yesterday and think it was a big deal, then you haven’t done anything today. Cat Osterman
Beating that team, no one thought you could is the best feeling ever. Unknown
By doing things when you are too tired, by pushing yourself farther than you thought you could — like running the track after a two-hour practice — you become a competitor. Each time you go beyond your perceived limit, you become mentally stronger. Pat Summitt
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. John Wooden
Don’t worry about failures worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. Unknown
Don’t play for the trophy or the fame. Play for the love of the game. Unknown
Don’t underestimate yourself. You are more capable than you think. Keep working. Don’t give up. Jennie Finch
Be prepared! Those are the famous last words of those who weren’t. Unknown
Every time you go out there, you want to be a little nervous, have a little bit of butterflies in your stomach and get the juices flowing. Taryne Mowatt
Every year, I make a commitment to try to beat myself. So whatever number I got or however many hits I got, I try to beat myself and become better. Allexis “Chip” Bennett
Hard is when it matters; when you’re tired is when it counts. Unknown
Hard luck is composed of laziness, bad judgment, and poor execution. Unknown
I do not just want to be just another face. What I want is to go out there and prove something on the field. Jennie Finch
I make my weaknesses my strengths and my strengths stronger. Lisa Fernandez
If you’re out there to look pretty then get off the field, it’s not about looking pretty it’s about sweat, practice, practice, practice, and then the slide into a home that wins you the game. Unknown
It is very hard to win when your thoughts turn to losing. Unknown
It isn’t the hours you put in, but what you put in the hours. Unknown
It’s always about wanting to one-up me from the day before. There’s never an absolute 100 per cent performance, but going out and striving for that perfect performance is what keeps me going. Cat Osterman Encouraging Softball Quotes
It’s supposed to be hard, if it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. Discipline helps you finish a job, and finishing is what separates excellent work from average work. Pat Summit

Short Encouraging Softball Quotes

Outplay, Outwork, Outlast! Unknown
Talent is nothing without dedication. Unknown
All it takes is all you’ve got. Unknown
All Out.  All day. All season. Unknown
Attitude is everything. Unknown
Be so good they can’t ignore you. Unknown
Defeat isn’t bitter if you don’t swallow it. Unknown
Command respect or expect defeat. Unknown
Don’t tell them how good you are. Show them. Unknown
Down and ready girls. Down and ready. Unknown
Go hard or go home. Unknown
Discipline yourself so that no one else has to. Pat Summitt
Make good habits and they will make you. Unknown
When the game is over leave it on the field. Unknown
Let your bat doing the talking. Mike O’Halloran Encouraging Softball Quotes
The greatest game you can win is won within. Unknown
Team is everything. Unknown
Throw your heart over the fence, and the ball will go with it. Unknown
Train insane or stay the same. Unknown

Encouraging Softball Quotes for Players

I think an athletes mental state is what separates he goods from the greats! Being able to have a short term memory when failure hits is a taught skill and should be something that is practice daily on exactly how you as an individual handle failure. In our sport failure happens far to often so you have to perfect bouncing back fast! Natasha Watley
It’s not just any sport; it’s not just throwing a ball, hitting and running. I live with the cheering of my players while I’m up to bat. I live with mistakes every day, and I love learning from them. I live with snapping my wrist to the catcher and getting the batter out, a perfect strike. I live not only for my teammates but for myself. I live for softball. Unknown
As an athlete it feels so natural to stick with your strengths and never really evolve. To stay ahead of the trends, it’s so important to constantly evolve and reinvent daily to stay ahead of the curve. Natasha Watley
I am who I am. I’m going to be who I am. And I’m going to give my all to the game in the way that I do it. Lonni Alameda
If you can pitch it. I can hit it. If you can hit it. I can catch it. If I were you, I’d turn around and go home. Unknown
I am now and will always be me. But when it comes time to step out onto that field, me gets a little more dedicated, a little more serious, and nobody stands in my way. Caitlin Sumpter
I think that certain players are going to approach the game differently. I am more of a quiet person. I like to have more of a focused energy and internal energy whereas some people need to be bouncing off the walls to be ready for the game. Caitlin Lowe
To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them. Picabo Street
Don’t practice until you get it right… practice until you can’t get it wrong. Unknown
I’m not exceptionally fast or overly powerful. But I have a good work ethic, and I make up for it by using technique and trying to be smarter. Dot Richardson
In softball, good girls steal. Good catchers make them pay. Unknown
Trade weakness for power, trade doubt for confidence, trade fear for courage. Trade softball for nothing. Unknown
The ones who have talent are good but the ones who practice hard are great. Unknown
This game is a game of inches. Sometimes they are going to go our way, and sometimes they aren’t. Ashley Hansen Encouraging Softball Quotes
I play outfield: I am not fazed by a line drive to center, can cover infield grass like a Ninja to make a game saving catch, have no problems laying out for a ball, can throw a rope to home plate or turn a double on a runner who left second early, and am always, always there to back up my team because outfielders save games! Unknown
Anything worthy of your passion should be worthy of your preparation. Sue Enquist
Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine! Unknown
Softball is amazing that way as a sport. Everyone on the field has a slightly different ability that makes them perfect for their position. Jennie Finch
Don’t let the name of softball fool you, be ready to play hardball. Unknown

Inspirational Encouraging Softball Quotes

Be ready for that curve ball, because you have no idea where it’s going. Not even the pitcher knows. Unknown
The dream is free, but the hustle is sold separately. Unknown
The pain won’t last forever, but the memories will. Unknown
Victory requires payment in advance. Unknown
You can’t always control the circumstances only how you react to those circumstances; you can always control your attitude and your effort. Jennie Finch
Play like you’re in first; train like you’re in second. Unknown
Softball girls aren’t afraid of a little dirt. Unknown
What I love about the game is that the game doesn’t know who is supposed to win. Sue Enquist
Make your competitive juices overcome your excuses. Unknown
We aren’t going to be perfect in this game of failure, we call softball. However, every time you are in a pressure situation, it’s a chance to prove that you’re in the ‘perfect’ frame of mind. The ‘success’ comes from being in the right frame of mind and giving yourself a chance to have success when the big moment comes; it doesn’t always necessarily come with the outcome, despite what all eyes watching might think. Amanda Scarborough
We’re going to step on the field knowing that every team we’re going against is going to push their game to that whole new level that we probably hadn’t seen. … We’ve just got to be ready to step up with them. Crystl Bustos Encouraging Softball Quotes
The road to becoming the best athlete you can include learning to let go of the things you can’t change.  Unknown
We play this game with emotion and love. Coach always says ‘Emotionally, physically, mentally come to the field prepared.’ Because if you don’t bring that to the field, you’re going to get beat. Laura Berg
What you put into it is what you get out of it. Keilani Ricketts
The true champion believes in the impossible. Unknown
We’re prepared, and we’ve done everything we can to prepare for this moment in time. That’s what confidence is all about. Lisa Fernandez
One day you’ll walk off the field and never walk back on. Until that day comes, play like it is your last. Unknown
Progress always involves risk… you can’t steal second without taking your foot off first. Unknown
What success is can’t be defined by what other people can do. It’s your success. You define it. Unknown
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell
There is no glory in practice but without practice there can be no glory. Unknown

Encouraging Softball Quotes for Coaches

I want my team to be more detached from the wins and losses and be more focused on doing the little things well. When you focus on getting the win, it can suffocate you, especially during the playoffs when the pressure gets thick. Sue Enquist
Everyone thinks softball is a girl’s game. But you only think that until you get hit with it on a line drive. Jerry Smith
Everybody knows that pitching and defense win championships. It’s all about defence. It’s that way in pretty much every sport. So if we can pitch and play defense, we have a chance at a championship. But you can also win quite a few games by hitting. Ehren Earleywine
You never forget when you fell in love with the game. Mike O’Halloran
One pitch can be the difference between a win and a loss, an error could be the difference. Lisa Fernandez
When I was 12, I had a coach tell me I would never be a championship pitcher. That devastated me. I was crushed. Jennie Finch
I want kids who are going to go out there and compete, lay it all on the table. I think the big thing about this game is you have to care a lot about it. Mike Candrea
Softball is an easy sport to fall in love because our game is fast paced and action packed. Yvette Girouard Encouraging Softball Quotes
A great coach is hard to find, but impossible to forget. Unknown
It’s a game of making great pitches at the right time, being opportunistic by getting a run at the right time and playing good defense. Mike Candrea
We have to continue to grow to learn how to get to each and every player. If I can learn to communicate in different ways, then I can become a better coach to players. Lonni Alameda
You play the way you practice. Mike O’Halloran
When someone you have a lot of respect for believes in you, it helps you believe in yourself. Cat Osterman
It doesn’t sparkle, but I guard this diamond with my life. Yvette Girouard
The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital. Unknown

Encouraging Softball Quotes for Pitchers

A macho attitude is totally to my advantage. Guys try to hit it 400 feet out of the park, but in softball you have to use a short, quick swing. Big, huge swings equal big, huge strikeouts. Jennie Finch
I am strong. I am dedicated. I am passionate. I am gutsy. I am relentless. I am tough. I am smart. I am determined. I am a fighter. I am confident. I am obsessed. I am stubborn. I am bold. I am competitive. I am powerful. I am a pitcher. Unknown
The pitcher’s mound is a place where I can feel powerful, confident and in control. Unknown
But I wasn’t getting in my pace, staying within myself, I was getting a little rushed. So I think I finally took a couple deep breaths and let myself get my timing back. Cat Osterman Encouraging Softball Quotes
Be that pitcher that every hitter is afraid to face. Unknown
Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing. Unknown
Pitching is the art of instilling fear. Unknown
I may be wearing makeup, but I can throw a fastball by you at the same time. Jennie Finch
Behind every great pitcher is a great catcher. Unknown
When I’m in the game, it’s not so much mechanics. It’s more of just trusting my teammates, trusting myself, trusting my preparation that we’ve put in to get there. When you’re in the game, it’s go-mode. There’s going to be times when you’re tweaking things but when you’re in that game mode, you just want to think about that one next pitch. Jennie Finch
The softball pitcher’s motto stay calm and throw strikes. Unknown
Hey softball pitcher: be that player that coaches warn their team about. Unknown

Encouraging Softball Quotes About Being a Team

Surrender the ME for the WE. Phil Jackson
Teamwork makes the dream work. Unknown
Good players inspire themselves; great players inspire others. Unknown
Tradition never graduates. Unknown
I don’t need to be the Number 1 on the team. If I need to hit, pitch, run, whatever, I will do it. If everything was going to be about me, I’d quit. Michele Smith
One Team, One Fight. Unknown
The team with the best athletes doesn’t usually win. It’s the team with the athletes who play best together. Lisa Fernandez Encouraging Softball Quotes
Play for the name on the front of your jersey, not the name on the back. Unknown
Teamwork is a skill that applies both at the softball field and in the real world; whether you’re a boss or just an employee. Unknown
Put your ego aside and play as a team. Sonny Bono
The point of the game is not how well the individual does but whether the team wins. That is the beautiful part of the game, the blending of personalities, the mutual sacrifices for group success. Even when you’ve played the game of your life, it’s the feeling of teamwork that you’ll remember. You’ll forget the plays, the hits, and the scores, but you’ll never forget your teammates. Unknown
It’s not about the pieces, but how they work together. Unknown
One team one dream. Unknown
For many people, softball is more than a sport. Your team becomes your family and the game becomes a passion and possibly even your destiny. Unknown
Softball: where I found the best friends ever. Unknown
Even when you’ve played the game of your life, it’s the feeling of teamwork that you’ll remember. You’ll forget the plays and the scores, but you’ll never forget your teammates. Deborah Palmore
Out of yourself and into the TEAM. Unknown
I do my job on the mound and then do what I can at the plate, always working on helping the team anyway I can. Jennie Finch
Bringing out the best in each other! Unknown
Play hard, Play Smart, Play together.Unknown 
Softball is not a one women sport, you have to have faith in those other girls out there with you because you are all playing the same game. You win as a team, you lose as a team. Unknown
Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve an uncommon result. Teamwork is important. It’s what happens when you surrender the mistaken idea that you can go it alone and realize that you won’t achieve your individual goals without the support of your colleagues. Unknown

Softball Quotes and Sayings for Instagram

Let the hitting, pitching and fielding begin!

Call us butter cause we on a roll

Cinderella can have her glass slipper; this princess wears cleats

Softball Quotes and Sayings for Instagram 1Pin
Diamond Divas

Hustle and heart set us apart

Throw, hit, catch, smile, and repeat

Don’t think you’re too good to sit and root for your team, be a team player

I like a little dirt on my diamond

If it’s a ball we take it, if it’s a strike we rake it, and if it’s a play we make it!

Chicks with sticks

Queen of Diamonds

Don’t-cha wish your girlfriend could play like me

Softball Quotes and Sayings for Instagram 2Pin

Softball is not for softies

The softball tan lines are just irreversible by this point…

Busting ours to kick yours


Source: Wikipedia

George Hancock developed the original version of the game in Chicago, Illinois in 1887. 

The game was called by many names in its infancy.  Among those early names were kitten ball, mush ball, indoor baseball, diamond ball, lemon ball, and pumpkin ball.  The game became known as softball in 1926 and reportedly was in use all across the United States by 1930.

Softball is similar to baseball and the rules differ between the two sports in significant ways.

Among some of the differences are: the size of the ball, the distance between bases, the distance from the pitcher’s mound to home plate, a softball is pitched underhanded while a baseball is pitched overhanded, runners cannot lead off in softball until the ball crosses home plate.

Sixteen inch softball is popular in Chicago and New Orleans.  The defensive team is now allowed to wear gloves.

Currently, club, collegiate, and professional levels of softball all feature competitive play. 

Softball is played in over one hundred countries internationally.  Among the nations where softball has a high level of popularity are: Austrailia, China, Japan, and New Zealand.  In addition, softball is played in some form in most European countries.

Most High School in the United States offer girls softball as an interscholastic sport as the popularity of the sport continues to rise.  Over 1,500 collegiate softball teams compete in America at five distinct levels: NCAA Division 1, Division 2, Division 3, NAIA, and NJCAA. 

Types of pitches in softball: backdoor curveball, backdoor screw ball, curveball, dropball, drop curve, drop screw, four seam fastball, riseball, rise curve, screwball, and two seam fastball.

Off speed and changeup softball pitches are: circle grip, flip release, floater, knucleball, knuckle curveball, and knuckle grip changeup.

In addition to girls fast pitch, there are still a few mens fast pitch leagues around.  Most of the recreational softball leagues play by slow pitch rules. In slow pitch rules, the pitch must be arced so that it is above the hitter’s head as it travels towards home plate.     

The most well know women softball players are recognized to be:

Lisa Fernandez: struck out 21 batters in an Olympic game and was a tw0-time College World Series Champ at UCLA.
Jennie Finch: Struck out Brian Giles, Mike Piazza, and Albert Pujols in the 2004 All-Star Softball Game.
Jessica Mendoza: 4 time all American, broadcaster for ESPN, Major League Baseball front office executive
Cat Osterman: 2000 and 2004 Olympic Pitcher, 4 time All American in College, NCAA record holder for strikeouts in a 7 inning game

The most well known men’s softball player is Eddie Feigner.  His team was named the King and His Court and was composed of Feigner as the pitcher, a catcher, a shortstop, and a first basemen.  They barnstormed the United States between the late 1940s until 2000.  During a charity softball game in 1987, Feigner struck out Major League Hall of Famers Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Brooks Robinson, Roberto Clemente, Harmon Killebrew as well as seven time all star Maury Wills.



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