Remember that the only purpose of money is to get you what you want, so think hard about what you value and put it above money. Ray Dalio
Spend your money on the things money can buy. Spend your time on the things money can’t buy. Haruki Murakami
The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money.
It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy. George Lorimer
Money will not make your marriage any better, nor will it make you any happier. Instead, money would expand your available options in life. More money = more options. Anas Hamshari
Real wealth is not about money. Real wealth is: not having to go to meetings, not having to spend time with jerks, not being locked into status games, not feeling like you have to say yes”, not worrying about others claiming your time and energy. Real wealth is about freedom. James Clear
Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one. Benjamin Franklin
Stop buying things you don’t need, to impress people you don’t even like. Suze Orman
If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know & start charging for it. Kim Garst
Making money isn’t hard in itself… What’s hard is to earn it by doing something worth devoting one’s life to. Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Dolly Parton
Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time. Jim Rohn
Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W’s you control in your life: what you do, when you do it, where you do it, and with whom you do it. Tim Ferriss
Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this. Dave Ramsey Quotes About Money and Happiness
A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. Dave Ramsey
A budget is more than just a series of numbers on a page; it is an embodiment of our values. Barack Obama
It is true that money cannot buy happiness but it does make it possible for you to enjoy the best that the world has to offer. George S. Clason
Success is not how many zeroes your bank account has. It’s about making the most of the life you have. Suze Orman
Within certain limits, it is actually true that the less money you have, the less you worry. George Orwell
There are a great many people accumulating what they think is vast wealth, but it’s only money. Alan Watts
It doesn’t matter about money; having it, not having it. Or having clothes, or not having them. You’re still left alone with yourself in the end. Billy Idol
Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it. Robert Kiyosaki
Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. Norman Vincent Peale
Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time. Margaret Bonanno
Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of. Josh Billings
Wealth is not his that has it, but his that enjoys it. Benjamin Franklin
No wealth can ever make a bad man at peace with himself. Plato
He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more; He who loses faith, loses all. Eleanor Roosevelt
Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving. Warren Buffett
Success is not the result of making money; earning money is the result of success and success is in direct proportion to our service. Earl Nightingale
Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shuts down for ten years. Warren Buffett
Short Quotes About Money and Happiness
That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest. Henry David Thoreau
Money is only one form of compensation. Frank Sonnenberg Quotes About Money and Happiness
Frugality includes all the other virtues. Cicero
Life isn’t about money, it’s about moments. David Castain
There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Milton Friedman
Money is only one form of wealth. Frank Sonnenberg
Know what you own, and know why you own it. Peter Lynch
Money can buy things, but it can’t buy everything. Frank Sonnenberg
A good reputation is MORE valuable than money. Proverbs
The best thing money can buy is financial freedom.
No one has ever become poor by giving. Anne Frank
Earn with your mind, not your time. Naval Ravikant
Money can’t buy happiness. But neither can poverty. Leo Rosten
A fool and his money are soon parted. Thomas Tusser
How you do money is how you do life. Orna Ross
Fortune sides with him who dares. Virgil
Things you can’t buy are more valuable than money. Tamerlan Kuzgov
Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought. Napoleon Hill
Money equals freedom. Kevin O’Leary
Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will. Nelson Mandela
Greed is NOT a financial issue. It’s a heart issue. Andy Stanley
Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. P.T. Barnum
Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end. Bob Marley
Do what you love and the money will follow. Marsha Sinetar
Funny Quotes About Money and Happiness
They say money doesn’t buy happiness. Well neither does poverty. Samuel R. Young Jr.
I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer. Jim Carrey
They say money can’t buy happiness. But it can sure as hell solve a lot of problems! Robert Rolih
Money can’t buy friends, but you can get a better class of enemy. Spike Milligan
The person who doesn’t know where his next dollar is coming from usually doesn’t know where his last dollar went.
A sign of wealth: No longer needing an alarm clock to wake up. Greg Isenberg
I made my money the old-fashioned way. I was very nice to a wealthy relative right before he died. Malcolm Forbes
Money may not buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus. Françoise Sagan
Money is not everything, but it is right up there with oxygen. Zig Ziglar
Wealth does not make people happy, but positive increases in wealth may. Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Money often costs too much. Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes About Money and Happiness
Making money is a common sense. It’s not rocket science. But unfortunately, when it comes to money, common sense is uncommon. Robert Kiyosaki
When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing in life. Now that I’m old, I know it is. Oscar Wilde
Try to save something while your salary is small; it’s impossible to save after you begin to earn more. Jack Benny
Money is like muck—not good unless it be spread. Francis Bacon
People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made. Joan Rivers
Money can’t buy happiness, but it does quiet the nerves. Joe Louis
I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money. Pablo Picasso
Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money. Jackie Mason
If you are in the world of business, that means you are in the business of making money. Stephen A. Smith
I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too. Steve Martin
For I don’t care too much for money, for money can’t buy me love. The Beatles
A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some. Joe Moore
While money doesn’t buy love, it puts you in a great bargaining position. Christopher Marlowe
Money can’t buy love, but it improves your bargaining position. Christopher Marlowe
Too many people spend money they buy things they don’t impress people that they don’t like. Will Rogers
Making money is a hobby that will complement any other hobbies you have, beautifully. Scott Alexander
You can be young without money, but you can’t be old without it. Tennessee Williams
Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to shop! Bo Derek
You have to have enough before you can realise that more isn’t going to make you much happier.
Making money is easy. It is. The difficult thing in life is not making it; it’s keeping it. John McAfee
If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn’t be in stocks. John Bogle
If you live for having it all, what you have is never enough. Vicki Robin
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable. Claire Luce
99% of all problems can be solved by money — and for the other 1% there’s alcohol. Quentin R. Bufogle
Quotes About Money and Life
They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price. Kahlil Gibran Quotes About Money and Happiness
Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much. Erich Fromm
Balancing your money is the key to having enough. Elizabeth Warren
Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each. Christopher Rice
Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life. Michael Leboeuf
When a fellow says it ain’t the money but the principle of the thing, it’s the money. Artemus Ward
Rich people believe I create my life. Poor people believe Life happens to me. T. Harv Eker
I’m only rich because I know when I’m wrong…I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes. George Soros
If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability. Henry Ford
Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver. Ayn Rand
It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating. Oscar Wilde
Money can’t buy happiness, but it will certainly get you a better class of memories. Ronald Reagan
I don’t pay good wages because I have a lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. Robert Bosch
Take a better stand. Put money in my mom’s hand. Get my daughter this college plan, so she don’t need no man. Biggie
It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. Seneca
If you cannot control your emotions, you cannot control your money. Warren Buffett Quotes About Money and Happiness
If you want to be financially free, you need to become a different person than you are today and let go of whatever has held you back in the past. Robert Kiyosaki
The money you have gives you freedom; the money you pursue enslaves you. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Money is good for nothing unless you know the value of it by experience. P.T Barnum
There is a gigantic difference between earning a great deal of money and being rich. Marlene Dietrich
Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one. You must learn how to motivate yourself to counter fear with courage. Thomas J. Stanley Quotes About Money and Happiness
If you wish to get rich, save what you get. A fool can earn money, but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his own advantage. Brigham Young
Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Jim Rohn
It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. Robert Kiyosaki
Money, like emotions, is something you must control to keep your life on the right track. Natasha Munson
It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money. Albert Camus
Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. Samuel Butler
A man with money is NO match for a man on a mission. Doyle Brunson
Money does not buy you happiness, but lack of money certainly buys you misery. Daniel Kahneman
The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege. Charles Kuralt
Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and enlivens the other who turns it on his fellow man. Kahlil Gibran
Capital as such is not evil; it is its wrong use that is evil. Capital in some form or other will always be needed. Gandhi
The habit of saving is itself an education; it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind. T.T. Munger
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. Franklin D. Roosevelt
If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed. Edmund Burke
Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options. Chris Rock
It’s easy to say you don’t care about money when you have plenty of it. Ransom Riggs
If you want to know what a man is really like, take notice of how he acts when he loses money. Simone Weil
Reject the basic assumptions of civilization, especially the importance of material possessions. Chuck Palahniuk
My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time. Steve Jobs Quotes About Money and Happiness
You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you. Maya Angelou
Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has, the more one wants. Benjamin Franklin
Wealth is the ability to fully experience life. Henry David Thoreau
If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting. Benjamin Franklin
Like Warren, I had a considerable passion to get rich, not because I wanted Ferraris I wanted the independence. I desperately wanted it. Charlie Munger
The fools in life want things fast and easy — money, success, attention. Robert Greene
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. Maya Angelou
So many people of wealth understand much more about making and saving money than about using and enjoying it. They fail to live because they are always preparing to live. Alan Watts
Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing your future self. Nathan W. Morris
Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are. James W. Frick
You either master money, or, on some level, money masters you. Tony Robbins
In the Middle Ages, the rich spent their money carelessly on extravagant luxuries, whereas peasants lived frugally minding every penny. Today, the tables have turned. The rich take great care managing their assets and investments while the less well go into debt buying cars and televisions they don’t really need. Yuval Noah Harari
Money can’t buy peace of mind. It can’t heal ruptured relationships or build meaning into a life that has none. Richard DeVos
A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart. Jonathan Swift
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. Epictetus
Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget, and I’ll tell you what they are. Joe Biden
Money is a guarantee that we may have what we want in the future. Though we need nothing at the moment it insures the possibility of satisfying a new desire when it arises. Aristotle
Focus on solving real problems and not on making money. There will be enough takers for your solutions. You will help make the lives of some people better, and money will follow. Bhavish Aggarwal
I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy. Warren Buffett Quotes About Money and Happiness
Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant. Epictetus
You don’t need to work hard for money. Nothing in nature works hard. Instead, it’s just about adding value and contributing good to society, being joyful, being open to receive, feeling gratitude, and feeling rich. Do these things and the money flows in. Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
Those who are of the opinion that money will do everything may reasonably be expected to do everything for money. Edward Wood
Never underestimate the power of tiny habits in terms of your finances. Those tiny habits, when compounded, can be a solid foundation against catastrophe. David Angway
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. William A. Ward
Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until everyone else is buying. That’s not just a catchy slogan. It’s the very essence of successful investing. J. Paul Getty
Money moves from those who do not manage it to those who do. Dave Ramsey
Wealth after all is a relative thing since he that has little and wants less is richer than he that has much and wants more. Charles Caleb Colton
You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you. Dave Ramsey Quotes About Money and Happiness
Is the rich world aware of how four billion of the six billion live? If we were aware, we would want to help out, we’d want to get involved. Bill Gates
The Science of Happiness: How Money Fits into the Equation
Happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion influenced by various factors, including social connections, personal achievements, and yes, even money. While traditional wisdom suggests that money cannot buy happiness, research indicates that there is indeed a correlation between wealth and well-being, albeit with some nuances.
One of the primary ways money contributes to happiness is through meeting basic needs and alleviating financial stress. When individuals have access to necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare, they are better equipped to experience a sense of security and contentment. Furthermore, financial stability provides a foundation for pursuing higher levels of self-actualization and fulfillment.
However, the relationship between money and happiness is not solely determined by the amount of wealth one possesses. Studies have shown that beyond a certain income threshold, additional wealth has diminishing returns in terms of happiness. This phenomenon, known as the “Easterlin Paradox,” suggests that while money can enhance well-being up to a certain point, its impact on happiness plateaus beyond a certain income level.
Moreover, how money is spent plays a crucial role in determining its effect on happiness. Research conducted by psychologists Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton has revealed that spending money on experiences, such as travel or cultural events, tends to result in greater long-term satisfaction compared to material possessions. This is because experiences contribute to lasting memories and social connections, which are integral to overall well-being.
Additionally, the concept of “hedonic adaptation” suggests that individuals have a tendency to return to a baseline level of happiness after experiencing positive or negative events, including financial windfalls or setbacks. This means that while an increase in income may initially lead to a boost in happiness, people often adapt to their new financial circumstances over time, resulting in a diminishing effect on overall well-being.
Beyond individual wealth, societal factors also play a role in shaping the relationship between money and happiness. Economic inequality, for example, has been linked to lower levels of happiness across entire populations, as it can contribute to feelings of injustice and social disconnection. Conversely, policies aimed at reducing poverty and promoting equality can have positive implications for overall societal well-being.
While money is undeniably a factor in determining happiness, its influence is nuanced and multifaceted. Beyond meeting basic needs, the way money is earned, spent, and distributed can significantly impact individual and societal levels of happiness. By understanding these complexities, we can strive to cultivate a more holistic and sustainable approach to well-being that goes beyond financial wealth alone.