Discover the power of self-motivation and self-care with these inspiring Show Up for Yourself quotes that will encourage you to prioritize your well-being and believe in yourself.
The formula for success is 2% talent, 8% luck and 90% of showing up every day. Jeffrey Fry
Before anything else or anyone else, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. If you’re not treating yourself well on the inside, you will not be happy or healthy on the outside. Self-care is essential to your wellness. Unknown
Stop conning yourself into being a volunteer victim, or telling the same old story. You are better than that. It’s time to stand up for yourself and your dream. This is the one and only life that you have. Don’t waste it watching someone’s life. Take your power back and make a move. Live your life on your terms, and create something new in your life. You Deserve! Les Brown
Showing up for yourself means that you practice self-compassions and honor your boundaries. Unknown
I’m tired… KEEP SHOWING UP! I don’t feel like it… KEEP SHOWING UP! I can’t see any results… KEEP SHOWING UP! Unknown
I learned that you can stand up for yourself and still maintain your zen! Doreen Virtue
I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often. Brian Tracy
If you want something to happen, make it happen. Be the one who shows up and makes things happen. Unknown
Maybe life isn’t about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it’s about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it. Unknown
Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every relationship that you have. Unknown
Self-care is honoring the boundaries you have set for yourself. Unknown
Self-care is releasing the habit of overextending in whats that are unhealthy and draining. Unknown
However you consistently show up may not be who you think you are, but it’s who you’ve become. If you want to be your best self, consistently show up as your best version. Richie Norton Show Up for Yourself Quotes
Showing up for yourself should mean that you practice self-forgiveness. Unknown
It’s really important to stand up for yourself and not always agree with what people say if indeed you don’t feel that that’s true. Lily Collins
How you choose to show up magnetizes what shows up for you. Unknown
When you stand for something, you’ve got to stand for it all the way, not half way. Kevin Gates
Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. Brené Brown
You have two choices. you can keep running and hiding and blaming the world for your problems, or you can stand up for yourself and decide to be somebody important. Sidney Sheldon
Showing up begins long before you stand at the start. Prove yourself an exception in a world where people talk more than act. Intent without follow-through is hollow. Unknown
Disappoint yourself enough times and empty is how you feel. Make yourself proud. Fill yourself up. Show up. Gina Greenlee
Standing up for yourself doesn’t always involve verbal confrontation. Sometimes it’s about not wasting energy on people who are negative. Sherry Argov
I will continue to nourish love for myself, I will lean into its power. Harpreet M. Dayal
Stand up and face your fears, or they will defeat you. LL Cool J
The energy we show up with is more often than not the energy we encounter. Ahmad Imam
Sometimes it just feels so amazing to finally stand up for yourself. I highly recommend it. Life is too short to be taken for granted. Demi Lovato
I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself. Rita Mae Brown
Showing up is essential. Showing up constantly is powerful. Showing up constantly with a positive outlook is even more powerful. Jeff Olson
Quotes to Inspire You to Show Up for Yourself
Don’t be deceived by the thoughts of obscurity that lingers around your head. Go and shine the light in you. Israelmore Ayivor
Show yourself how much you can depend on the person you’ve become. Unknown
I don’t know where to start… JUST START! DO SOMETHING! Take that first step. Every step you take adds up and sooner or later, you’ll look back and see you’re at the top of that staircase. Unknown
Perseverance doesn’t always mean winning and losing. Perseverance means showing up and rising to the occasion and performing. Michael Chiesa
Champions don’t show up to get everything they want; they show up to give everything they have. Ben Hubbert
Don’t believe that winning is really everything. It’s more important to stand for something. If you don’t stand for something, what do you win? Lane Kirkland
If you quit… If you never start climbing… If you never take that first step… You’ll never get there… and you’ll forever live in regret. Unknown
Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up. Brené Brown
Show up. Do the work. Get better. Stay positive. Do good. Keep pushing every day. You’ll be amazed at where that gets you in life. Unknown
Be a warrior when it comes to delivering on your ambitions. And a saint when it comes to treating people with respect, modeling generosity, and showing up with outright love. Robin S. Sharma Show Up for Yourself Quotes
What if the results don’t come? They’re not going to come if you quit. KEEP SHOWING UP! Unknown
Vulnerability is about showing up and being seen. It’s tough to do that when we’re terrified about what people might see or think. Brené Brown
It’s not easy not getting playing time, but you have to keep showing up and working your tail off to be ready. Kelley O’Hara
Stop complaining and do something… Shut up! Rise up! Grow up! And show up! See you at the top! Israelmore Ayivor
You won’t get much done in life if you only show up when you feel good. Unknown
No change can come if those who are impacted the most by discrimination are not willing to stand up for themselves. Zainab Salbi
Taking care of your mind, body and soul is part of showing up for yourself. Unknown
The problem is not slipping up; the problem is thinking that if you can not do something perfectly, then you shouldn’t do it at all… James Clear
I believe that if you’ll just stand up and go, life will open up for you. Tina Turner
The willingness to show up changes us, it makes us a little braver each time. Brené Brown
I am filled with resistance. But still, I am here… This is what it means to show up. Jeanette LeBlanc
No matter how you feel. Get up. Dress up. Show up and never give up. Unknown
A lot of people think it takes millions of dollars to give back or inspire, but just you showing up means a lot. Kyle Kuzma
Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. Maya Angelou
Don’t give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you. John Wooden
When you show up everyday even when you don’t feel like, you are well on the path of healing. Hiral Nagda
Confidence is showing up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there. Unknown
Be your own best cheerleader. Show up for yourself and believe in yourself, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. Alan Young
If you don’t love yourself, nobody will. Not only that, you won’t be good at loving anyone else. Loving starts with the self. Wayne Dyer
They DID TRY QUITTING…Winners DO NOT QUIT! They show up. Rain hail or shine. They show up when it works, when it’s hard. They show up every single damn time! And that…that right there is the difference. Keep showing up. Unknown
When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn’t healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs, and habits anything that kept me small. Judgement called it disloyal. Now I see it as self-loving. Kim McMilllen
Show up authentically and synergy will meet you there. Sanjo Jendayi
You can’t hate yourself happy. You can’t criticize yourself thin. You can’t shame yourself worthy. Real change begins with self-love and self-care. Jessica Ortner
Just trying to do something just being there, showing up is how we get braver. Self-esteem is about doing. Brené Brown
There will be moments in life when showing up for yourself will mean leaving behind those who don’t. Alex Elle
Showing up for yourself in an authentic way looks like this: being honest with yourself. Even if you don’t see the results right away. Keep showing up until you do see the results. Even if you don’t say the results for a very, very long time… KEEP SHOWING UP! Unknown
It doesn’t matter if you can’t see the top from where you are. Just know that if you keep climbing… If you keep learning HOW you can get to that next level… you will soon be exactly where you need to be. Unknown
Keep showing up for your side of the job and give genius a chance to do its part. Elizabeth Gilbert
When you rebuild your spirit, its branches will bear the fruit that brings strength back to your voice. Harpreet M. Dayal
There is a verison of yourself you have not met yet. Keep showing up until you’re introduced. Jim Kwik
Show up: Messy. Show up: Imperfect. But just keep showing up. Jenna Kutcher
This is your reminder that you are capable of great things… You just need to start by showing up. Unknown
Showing up fully exactly where you are is the fastest way to get where you want to go! Marie Forleo
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours it is an amazing journey and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. Bob Moawad
Short Show Up for Yourself Quotes
You can do the hard things and the first step is to show up. Unknown
Be the change you want to see. Unknown
It’s important to stand up for what you believe in. Cody Linley
Do yourself and the world a favor and learn how to show up for yourself. Olya Barnett
It’s better to show up than to give up. Bernie Sanders
If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. H.G. Wells
Talk to yourself like someone you love. Brené Brown
Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you. Katie Reed
If you don’t show up for yourself, who will? Alan Young Show Up for Yourself Quotes
Just keep showing up when most people quit. Unknown
Showing up is not all of life – but it counts for a lot. Hillary Clinton
It’s important to stand up for what you believe in. Cody Linley
To stay on the map you’ve got to keep showing up. Peter Gallagher
Be the very love that you crave. Christine Kane
Do something about your life. Unknown
Actions speak louder than words. Becca Fitzpatrick
Fight for what you believe in. Unknown
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. Carl Jung
Decisions are made by those who show up. Aaron Sorkin
Be different, stand out, and work your butt off. Reba McEntire
Create the life you want by showing up. Unknown
Self-Care has very little to do with your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself. Tyra Banks
Life gets better when you stand up. Unknown
Note to self. It is ok to not have it all figured out yet. Unknown
Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you. Katie Reed
To me, bravery is to stand up for what you believe in. Sophie Turner
Only you can stand up for yourself. Unknown
You can pretend to care, but you can’t pretend to show up. George L. Bell
Have courage to stand up. Unknown
The world is run by those who show up. Ron Nehring
Show up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there. Unknown
Stay strong. Stand up. Have a voice. Shawn Johnson
Show Up for Yourself Quotes About Others
When you say ‘yes’ to others make sure you are not saying ‘no’ to yourself. Paulo Coelho
When it comes down to it, that’s what life is all about: showing up for the people you love, again and again, until you can’t show up anymore. Rebecca Walker
I’m all about showing up for my friends, especially when they need me the most. Marsai Martin
Self-care is never a selfish act it is simply stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. Parker Palmer
Bravery is the choice to show up and listen to another person, be it a loved one or perceived foe, even when it is uncomfortable, painful, or the last thing you want to do. Alaric Hutchinson
Self-care is showing up for yourself like you do for others. Unknown
Compassionate action has to start with ourselves. If we are willing to stand fully in our own shoes and never give up on ourselves, then we will be able to put ourselves in the shoes of others and never give up on them. Pema Chodron
When it comes down to it, that’s what life is all about: showing up for the people you love, again and again, until you can’t show up anymore. Rebecca Walker
How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. Rupi Kaur
Self-care is showing up for yourself like you do for others. Self-care is honoring the boundaries you have set for yourself. Self-care is releasing the habit of overextending in whats that are unhealthy and draining. Afam Uche
When you work on showing up for yourself, you need to remember that cutting off toxic people from your life is part of that process. Unknown
Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else. Maya Angelou
When you stop living your life based on what others think of you real life begins. At that moment, you will finally see the door of self-acceptance opened. Shannon L. Alder
How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. Rupi Kaur
What are you hiding? Is it something from others, or from yourself. Find your truth. The more you show up, the more you’ll be found. Brittany Burgunder
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. Maya Angelou
Whenever one person stands up and says, ‘Wait a minute, this is wrong,’ it helps other people do the same. Gloria Steinem
Be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world. Pema Chodron
How you show up for yourself will speak volumes when its tome to show up for others. You cannot fill the cup of your neighbor or loved ones when you’re depleted. Take care of you. Take care of them. In that order. Alex Elle
A man shows up. For himself and others. He doesn’t run, he doesn’t pass the buck, he shows up. And when he is hurt, or when he has done wrong, or has made his own mistake — a man shows up. For himself and others. Drue Grit
One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself. Shannon L. Alder Show Up for Yourself Quotes
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Steve Jobs
As I said, if you don’t stand up for yourself, people aren’t going to think that you can stand up for them. Sidney Blumenthal
Famous Show Up for Yourself Quotes
I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival. Audre Lorde
I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. Joyce Meyer
Everything is a learning process: any time you fall over, it’s just teaching you to stand up the next time. Joel Edgerton
Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. Chuck Close
You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be. Vironika Tugaleva
I dare say that if you aren’t showing up as you, you aren’t showing up at all. You are sending a phony, a counterfeit. It isn’t you. You might even reach a goal and have happiness, but the day will come that you’ll need more. Suzette Hinton
Impress yourself. Show yourself that you can grow and get better. It’s never about competing with anyone else. In the end, it’s just you vs. you. Marcandangel
If we want to change things, we must first change ourselves. If we want to play, if we want to change the world, we must first show up on the field to score. Paul Rusesabagina
One of the best things you can do in your work is to show up, serve others and trust others to also work with love and kindness to create desired results. Richie Norton
Show up. If you truly want to have clients and customers notice you and take you seriously, you have to put yourself out there, unapologetically. Unknown
There is nothing more vulnerable than creativity. . . It’s not about winning, it’s not about losing, it’s about showing up and being seen. Brené Brown
Sometimes I act like I have my shit together more than I do. Sometimes I act like I don’t have my shit together as much as I do. I’m done acting. I’d rather just be okay with however together my shit is at the time, and still do my best to show up, as I am. Scott Stabile Show Up for Yourself Quotes
Success is an accident. Showing up, even if it’s just for minutes, makes us accident-prone.- Paul Budnitzhere’s nothing more daring than showing up, putting ourselves out there and letting ourselves be seen. Brené Brown
The worst thing that happens in life is not death. The worst thing would be to miss it… I think the great danger in life is not showing up. Rachel Naomi Remen
I not only have the right to stand up for myself, but I have the responsibility. I can’t ask somebody else to stand up for me if I won’t stand up for myself. And once you stand up for yourself, you’d be surprised that people say ‘Can I be of help? Maya Angelou
Showing up for yourself in the ultimate sense means that you make choices that honor your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs as they arise. Unknown
It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary. Mandy Hale
Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do. Brené Brown
There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It is why you were born. And how you can become most truly alive. Oprah Winfrey
Never be afraid to stand with the minority when the minority is right, for the minority which is right will one day be the majority. William Jennings Bryan
There is nothing rarer, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli
With every act of self-care your authentic self gets stronger, and the critical, fearful mind gets weaker. Every act of self-care is a powerful declaration: I am on my side, I am on my side, each day I am more and more on my own side. Susan Weiss Berry
When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life. Jean Shinoda Bolen
What we know matters, but who we are matters more. Being rather than knowing requires showing up and letting ourselves be seen. It requires us to dare greatly, to be vulnerable. Brené Brown
Everyone is born into this life, but only a handful of them actually show-up. Craig D. Lounsbrough
I’m not violent, I don’t believe in killing people, but standing up for yourself, speaking out against injustice, is another form of vengeance. Unknown
Life is about putting forth your best effort and showing up. When you show up to the gig fearlessness and put forth your best, who knows what could come of it? Shangela
Showing up for yourself is an important aspect of living a fulfilling life. It means taking responsibility for your own happiness and success and making your well-being a priority. When you show up for yourself, you are able to take control of your life and create a sense of purpose and direction.
One key aspect of showing up for yourself is being present in the moment. This means being mindful and aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and focusing on the present moment rather than worrying about the past or future. By being present, you can make better decisions, reduce stress and anxiety, and enjoy life more fully.
Another important aspect of showing up for yourself is being committed and accountable. This means setting goals and taking action to achieve them, and holding yourself responsible for your own progress. When you are committed to your goals, you are more likely to follow through on them and achieve success. Being accountable to yourself means taking responsibility for your actions and decisions, and being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses.
Setting boundaries is also an important part of showing up for yourself. This means saying no to things that don’t align with your values or goals, and prioritizing your own needs and well-being. When you set boundaries, you create a sense of respect for yourself and others, and you are able to maintain healthy relationships.
Self-care is another crucial aspect of showing up for yourself. This means taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health, and making time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Self-care can include things like exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing a hobby or passion.
When you show up for yourself, you build self-confidence and self-esteem. You begin to trust yourself and your abilities, and you become more resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks. Showing up for yourself also improves your relationships with others, as you are better able to communicate your needs and boundaries, and you attract people who respect and value you.
In conclusion, showing up for yourself is a powerful way to take control of your life and create a sense of purpose and direction. By being present, committed, and accountable, setting boundaries, and making self-care a priority, you can build self-confidence, improve your relationships, and create a fulfilling and meaningful life. So, start showing up for yourself today and watch your life transform for the better.