213 Strong Women Affirmations

We hope you find these strong women affirmations helpful!

Best Strong Women Affirmations

I am aware that my time on earth is finite. I respect my life by doing the things I love.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am aware that my time on earth is finite. I respect my life by doing the things I love.
I will surround myself with people who love me and who care for me.Pin
I will surround myself with people who love me and who care for me.
I only make decisions that support my self-care, my self-value, and my self-worth.Pin
I only make decisions that support my self-care, my self-value, and my self-worth.
Happiness is everywhere I choose to see it.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
Happiness is everywhere I choose to see it.
I deserve time for myself and can attend to my own emotional, physical, and spiritual needs without guilt or apology.Pin
I deserve time for myself and can attend to my own emotional, physical, and spiritual needs without guilt or apology.
I will not compare myself to anyone else because everyone is on their own personal journeys. My journey is unique and cannot be compared.Pin
I will not compare myself to anyone else because everyone is on their own personal journeys. My journey is unique and cannot be compared.
I have released all my negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.Pin
I release my attachment to anything that does not serve me. I don’t let anything or anybody hold me back. I am finished with negativity in my life.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I release my attachment to anything that does not serve me. I don’t let anything or anybody hold me back. I am finished with negativity in my life.
I am courageous, and I stand up for myself.Pin
I am courageous, and I stand up for myself.
I am attracting positive people and circumstances into my life.Pin
I am attracting positive people and circumstances into my life.
I am the president of my life and no one else can take that role. I trust myself to make the best decisions for my life.Pin
I am the president of my life and no one else can take that role. I trust myself to make the best decisions for my life.

I am filled with energy for all the daily activities in my life.Pin

I am filled with energy for all the daily activities in my life.
I do not allow other people to hold me back from achieving my goals. I give myself permission to walk my own path and allow other people to do the same.Pin
I do not allow other people to hold me back from achieving my goals. I give myself permission to walk my own path and allow other people to do the same.
Everywhere I go, I attract joy and happiness.Pin
Everywhere I go, I attract joy and happiness.
I am amazing and capable of far more than I realize.Pin
I am amazing and capable of far more than I realize.
I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.Pin
I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.
I let go of all that no longer serves me.Pin
I let go of all that no longer serves me.
I am choosing to do kind things for myself.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am choosing to do kind things for myself.
I am not only enough, I am more than enough. I also get better every day I live. Tomorrow I will be a better version of myself than I was today.Pin
I am not only enough, I am more than enough. I also get better every day I live. Tomorrow I will be a better version of myself than I was today.
Instead of judging other people, I only judge myself on whether or not I am being the best person I can be. This is a better use of my time.Pin
Instead of judging other people, I only judge myself on whether or not I am being the best person I can be. This is a better use of my time.
I am attracting positive experiences into my life.Pin
I am attracting positive experiences into my life.
I always stand up for myself and my beliefs.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I always stand up for myself and my beliefs.
I let go of my need to impress other people. There is nothing that I need to prove. I accept myself just as I am.Pin
I let go of my need to impress other people. There is nothing that I need to prove. I accept myself just as I am.
I will not worry about tomorrow. First, I will enjoy this day before me.Pin
I will not worry about tomorrow. First, I will enjoy this day before me.
Being confident comes naturally to me.Pin
Being confident comes naturally to me.
I refuse to overcommit myself. I am able to say “no” when I need to. I protect my time because I deserve it and it is invaluable.Pin
I refuse to overcommit myself. I am able to say “no” when I need to. I protect my time because I deserve it and it is invaluable.
I am living my own version of happiness that has nothing to do with anyone else. I am happy for anyone else who is happy and other people are happy for me.Pin
I am living my own version of happiness that has nothing to do with anyone else. I am happy for anyone else who is happy and other people are happy for me.
I create my happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love.Pin
I create my happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love.
Every day I am getting happier and happier in every way.Pin
Every day I am getting happier and happier in every way.
I choose to live in a way that will bring peace, joy, and happiness to myself and others.Pin
I choose to live in a way that will bring peace, joy, and happiness to myself and others.
I am brave and willing to embrace my full power. I have complete control over my actions and my life.Pin
I am brave and willing to embrace my full power. I have complete control over my actions and my life.
Courage accompanies me everywhere I go. Strong Women AffirmationsPin
Courage accompanies me everywhere I go.
I deserve the best in life and happiness.Pin
I deserve the best in life and happiness.
I am free to create my ideal reality for the future. I have a choice in every situation that I face. There is nothing that can get between me and my best self.Pin
I am free to create my ideal reality for the future. I have a choice in every situation that I face. There is nothing that can get between me and my best self.

Short Strong Women Affirmations

I deserve joy.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I deserve joy.
I love and approve of myself.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I love and approve of myself.
I am at peace with my past.Pin
I am at peace with my past.
I am focused and motivated.Pin
I am focused and motivated.
All I need is within me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
All I need is within me.
I am filled with focus.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am filled with focus.
I set boundaries for myself.Pin
I set boundaries for myself.
I am in control of my life and my feelings.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am in control of my life and my feelings.
I am proud of the impact I make.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am proud of the impact I make.
I can make a positive change.Pin
I can make a positive change.
I stand up for what I believe in.Pin
I stand up for what I believe in.
My positivity is contagious.Pin
My positivity is contagious.
I’m courageous and stand up for myself.Pin
I’m courageous and stand up for myself.
I am brave.Pin
I am brave.
Self-care is not a luxury.Pin
Self-care is not a luxury.
There is no reason for me to compare myself to others.Pin
There is no reason for me to compare myself to others.
I am worthy of the compliments I receive.Pin
I am worthy of the compliments I receive.
I forgive myself for my past mistakes.Pin
I forgive myself for my past mistakes.
I am rejecting negative energy.Pin
I am rejecting negative energy.
I love my body as it is today.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I love my body as it is today.
I approach my worries calmly.Pin
I approach my worries calmly.
I approve of myself and love myself deeply.Pin
I approve of myself and love myself deeply.
I love myself unconditionally.Pin
I love myself unconditionally.
I stand up for myself.Pin
I stand up for myself.
I let go of the things I can’t control.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I let go of the things I can’t control.
Nothing can break my spirit.Pin
Nothing can break my spirit.
I am in charge of my own identity.Pin
I am in charge of my own identity.
I am making an impact.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am making an impact.
I am letting go of tension.Pin
I am letting go of tension.
I am committed to finding ‘me’ time today.Pin
I am committed to finding ‘me’ time today.
I will stop apologizing for things I can’t control.Pin
I will stop apologizing for things I can’t control.
I am allowed to feel good.Pin
I am allowed to feel good.
Creativity is a part of me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
Creativity is a part of me.
I am allowed to change my mind.Pin
I am allowed to change my mind.
I am worthy of feeling happy.Pin
I am worthy of feeling happy.
No one has the power to define me but me.Pin
No one has the power to define me but me.
I can do hard things.Pin
I can do hard things.
I choose to try to be happy today.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I choose to try to be happy today.
I will move forward from negativity.Pin
I will move forward from negativity.
I am allowed to feel my feelings.Pin
I am allowed to feel my feelings.
I will not change who I am for anyone else.Pin
I will not change who I am for anyone else.
I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I will not compare myself to strangers on the Internet.
When I make a mistake, I forgive myself.Pin
When I make a mistake, I forgive myself.

Inspirational Strong Women Affirmations

I embrace success. The words 'I can’t' are not something I say. I refuse to believe even my own excuses. I am unstoppable.Pin
I embrace success. The words ‘I can’t’ are not something I say. I refuse to believe even my own excuses. I am unstoppable.
I can leave any negative situation whenever I choose.Pin
I can leave any negative situation whenever I choose.
I have infinite possibilities today. I love life and I am ready to take inspired and motivated action on my goals.Pin
I have infinite possibilities today. I love life and I am ready to take inspired and motivated action on my goals.
I can overcome negative thoughts and situations. I choose positive!Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I can overcome negative thoughts and situations. I choose positive!
I practice self-care and recognize when I need to take a break. I feel good about taking care of myself.Pin
I practice self-care and recognize when I need to take a break. I feel good about taking care of myself.
Being a woman is the greatest gift the universe has given to me.Pin
Being a woman is the greatest gift the universe has given to me.
I am full of energy and optimism. I am ready to find joy.Pin
I am full of energy and optimism. I am ready to find joy.
I allow love to fill every inch of my skin, and I will embrace the warmth this love gives to me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I allow love to fill every inch of my skin, and I will embrace the warmth this love gives to me.
I forgive myself and other people to release myself from any past pain.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I forgive myself and other people to release myself from any past pain.
When I forgive, I am free. I am leaving the past in the past, and I am only living for the present and the future.Pin
When I forgive, I am free. I am leaving the past in the past, and I am only living for the present and the future.
I channel love, positivity, and energy to all the people around me.Pin
I channel love, positivity, and energy to all the people around me.
I will relax my mind and I will stop thinking of the false stories. I will allow my mind to unwind and be at peace.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I will relax my mind and I will stop thinking of the false stories. I will allow my mind to unwind and be at peace.
I am kind, loving, and compassionate. I truly care for other people.Pin
I am kind, loving, and compassionate. I truly care for other people.
I ask for what I want because I deserve it. I honor my desires today and always.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I ask for what I want because I deserve it. I honor my desires today and always.
I only plant positive seeds in the world today. I do not waste one precious moment in anger, hatred, or envy.Pin
I only plant positive seeds in the world today. I do not waste one precious moment in anger, hatred, or envy.
I can access pure love from within and can generate the positive energy I need today.Pin
I can access pure love from within and can generate the positive energy I need today.
I choose to respond to this challenge with grace and positivity.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I choose to respond to this challenge with grace and positivity.
I know I am alive for a reason. Today, I honor my purpose and inspire people around me to do the same.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I know I am alive for a reason. Today, I honor my purpose and inspire people around me to do the same.
I choose to release love, happiness, and gratitude into the world today. Life is precious and beautiful and I choose to focus on the positive.Pin
I choose to release love, happiness, and gratitude into the world today. Life is precious and beautiful and I choose to focus on the positive.
The past no longer matters. It has no control over me. What only matters is the present. What I do in the present will shape my future. The past has no say in this.Pin
The past no longer matters. It has no control over me. What only matters is the present. What I do in the present will shape my future. The past has no say in this.
I am a smart, capable, brilliant woman, and I have everything I need to get through this. When I make it through this I will be better for it.Pin
I am a smart, capable, brilliant woman, and I have everything I need to get through this. When I make it through this I will be better for it.
I have all the happiness, love and positive energy I need today to have the most amazing day.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I have all the happiness, love and positive energy I need today to have the most amazing day.
As I nurture myself, I feel abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
As I nurture myself, I feel abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.
I believe in myself and I believe in the path I have chosen. I cannot choose the obstacles in my way, but I can choose to continue on my path because it leads to my goals.Pin
I believe in myself and I believe in the path I have chosen. I cannot choose the obstacles in my way, but I can choose to continue on my path because it leads to my goals.
I am fully in charge of my future. I am the only one who can dictate the outcome.Pin
I am fully in charge of my future. I am the only one who can dictate the outcome.
I am creating a happy, joyful life right now.Pin
I am creating a happy, joyful life right now.
I radiate positive energy to all of those around me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I radiate positive energy to all of those around me.
I am able to overcome any challenges that come my way.Pin
I am able to overcome any challenges that come my way.
I am stronger than any of my negative life circumstances.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am stronger than any of my negative life circumstances.
I will let go of my worries I cannot control. I will focus my energy on only what I can control.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I will let go of my worries I cannot control. I will focus my energy on only what I can control.
I choose positivity. I choose happiness. I see both all around me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I choose positivity. I choose happiness. I see both all around me.
The world is filled with endless opportunities for me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
The world is filled with endless opportunities for me.
I choose happiness of this moment, and not pain of the past.Pin
I choose happiness of this moment, and not pain of the past.
I have a strong will and I can do anything I put my mind to.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I have a strong will and I can do anything I put my mind to.
I am worthy of accomplishment, success, and abundance.Pin
I am worthy of accomplishment, success, and abundance.
I embrace my full potential, even if it makes other people uncomfortable. I do not play small. I am supposed to do big things.Pin
I embrace my full potential, even if it makes other people uncomfortable. I do not play small. I am supposed to do big things.
Being a woman helps me be a positive influence in the world.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
Being a woman helps me be a positive influence in the world.
I have abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.Pin
I have abundant energy, vitality, and well-being.
I love myself and like myself. I choose to focus on my positive qualities and how I can use them to improve myself and the world.Pin
I love myself and like myself. I choose to focus on my positive qualities and how I can use them to improve myself and the world.
Rather than complaining about not having enough time today, I use the time I have in a way that is in line with my values and goals. I make a conscious effort to make the best of every moment I am given today.Pin
Rather than complaining about not having enough time today, I use the time I have in a way that is in line with my values and goals. I make a conscious effort to make the best of every moment I am given today.
I choose not to criticize myself or others around me.Pin
I choose not to criticize myself or others around me.
I can find happiness today and I choose to see it.Pin
I can find happiness today and I choose to see it.
I am so happy that when others look at me, they become happy too.Pin
I am so happy that when others look at me, they become happy too.
I am an amazing gift to myself, my friends, and the world. I am too much of an amazing gift to feel self-pity.Pin
I am an amazing gift to myself, my friends, and the world. I am too much of an amazing gift to feel self-pity.
I am becoming a better version of myself one day at a time.Pin
I am becoming a better version of myself one day at a time.

Strong Women Affirmations for Caregivers and Moms

I fully trust my ability. I trust my ability to provide for my family. I trust in my ability to care for my family.Pin
I fully trust my ability. I trust my ability to provide for my family. I trust in my ability to care for my family.
Today I will notice the positive aspects of motherhood.Pin
Today I will notice the positive aspects of motherhood.
Just as the needs of my children matter, so do my own.Pin
Just as the needs of my children matter, so do my own.
I will always love my own family even if they do not understand the decisions I make or the directions I take.Pin
I will always love my own family even if they do not understand the decisions I make or the directions I take.
I trust my intuition to make intentional parenting choices and decisions. Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I trust my intuition to make intentional parenting choices and decisions.
My family is a gift. We do not always agree and that is okay. Each family member is their own person and has their own line of thinking. But that doesn't stop us from being family.Pin
My family is a gift. We do not always agree and that is okay. Each family member is their own person and has their own line of thinking. But that doesn’t stop us from being family.
My children will remember me as a loving parent.Pin
My children will remember me as a loving parent.
As a mom, I am doing my best, and my best is good enough. Strong Women AffirmationsPin
As a mom, I am doing my best, and my best is good enough.
I am learning to be a better mother with each new day.Pin
I am learning to be a better mother with each new day.
I will always show my family how much I love them by how I act and what I say.Pin
I will always show my family how much I love them by how I act and what I say.
My children’s needs matter and so do my own.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
My children’s needs matter and so do my own.
I am brave enough to show my children vulnerability.Pin
I am brave enough to show my children vulnerability.
I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom, so I don’t need to compare myself to others.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am the exact parent my child needs to blossom, so I don’t need to compare myself to others.
I make a difference in my family’s life.Pin
I make a difference in my family’s life.
I am a good person and I am a good mom.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am a good person and I am a good mom.

Affirmations for a Positive Body Image

I exercise my body daily with ease and am amazed at the ways it can bend, move, stretch, and pose.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I exercise my body daily with ease and am amazed at the ways it can bend, move, stretch, and pose.
I am feeling fabulous and confident in my body.Pin
I am feeling fabulous and confident in my body.
I am responsible for what happens to my body, so I treat it with love, respect, and care.Pin
I am responsible for what happens to my body, so I treat it with love, respect, and care.
I am grateful for my body. I will treat it like it belongs to someone I love.Pin
I am grateful for my body. I will treat it like it belongs to someone I love.
I am attractive just as I am. I don’t need to change anything. I’m not perfect, but I am still beautiful.Pin
I am attractive just as I am. I don’t need to change anything. I’m not perfect, but I am still beautiful.
I love my body and I take care of it through healthy eating and exercise. I respect my body and am thankful for all it can do.Pin
I love my body and I take care of it through healthy eating and exercise. I respect my body and am thankful for all it can do.
There is more to life than worrying about my weight. I’m ready to experience it.Pin
There is more to life than worrying about my weight. I’m ready to experience it.
I accept myself unconditionally the way I am. My body is perfect the way it is.Pin
I accept myself unconditionally the way I am. My body is perfect the way it is.
I respect my body’s needs and treat it with the kindness that it deserves.Pin
I respect my body’s needs and treat it with the kindness that it deserves.
I love living in my unique female body. It has features that are distinctive and make me who I am.Pin
I love living in my unique female body. It has features that are distinctive and make me who I am.
I am at peace with my body and accept it as it is. It was created to do amazing things.Pin
I am at peace with my body and accept it as it is. It was created to do amazing things.
I am constantly amazed by my body and its abilities.Pin
I am constantly amazed by my body and its abilities.
I am nourishing my body with healthy food.Pin
I am nourishing my body with healthy food.
I am compassionate and warm to my body.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am compassionate and warm to my body.
As I practice mindful consumption, my body is becoming healthier and stronger.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
As I practice mindful consumption, my body is becoming healthier and stronger.
I promise to love and cherish my body.Pin
I promise to love and cherish my body.
I am patient with my body when it needs rest, healing, and recovery.Pin
I am patient with my body when it needs rest, healing, and recovery.

Personal Affirmations for Women’s Growth

I like who I am and who I am becoming.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I like who I am and who I am becoming.
I am constantly learning.Pin
I am constantly learning.
I choose to learn from the positive and negative events of the past so that I continue to make progress towards my bright future.Pin
I choose to learn from the positive and negative events of the past so that I continue to make progress towards my bright future.
Even if I do something wrong, I go back and find another way. I create a new course of action. I do not stop.Pin
Even if I do something wrong, I go back and find another way. I create a new course of action. I do not stop.
Asking for help is a strength, and I am strong.Pin
Asking for help is a strength, and I am strong.
Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.Pin
Every challenge I face is an opportunity to grow and improve.
I am exactly where I need to be. I welcome the challenges and opportunities that I am facing today and I choose to learn and grow.Pin
I am exactly where I need to be. I welcome the challenges and opportunities that I am facing today and I choose to learn and grow.
I am stronger because of my struggles.Pin
I am stronger because of my struggles.
I accept constructive criticism and welcome self-improvement. I offer constructive criticism to help others around me.Pin
I accept constructive criticism and welcome self-improvement. I offer constructive criticism to help others around me.
Finding new ways to eat healthily is empowering and puts me in control.Pin
Finding new ways to eat healthily is empowering and puts me in control.
I am a strong, confident woman and will only continue to become stronger.Pin
I am a strong, confident woman and will only continue to become stronger.
I know what I want and I know I deserve it. I take responsibility for everything I have brought into my life.Pin
I know what I want and I know I deserve it. I take responsibility for everything I have brought into my life.
I act with confidence and have a plan, and I accept that plans are open to change.Pin
I act with confidence and have a plan, and I accept that plans are open to change.
I accept my past mistakes and let them go. They don’t define me. I move forward with confidence in my essential goodness and good judgment.Pin
I accept my past mistakes and let them go. They don’t define me. I move forward with confidence in my essential goodness and good judgment.
I am worthy of investing in myself.Pin
I am worthy of investing in myself.
I accept that I cannot change the past. I focus on my future and move forward in my life.Pin
I accept that I cannot change the past. I focus on my future and move forward in my life.
My past does not define who I am today.Pin
My past does not define who I am today.
There is nothing stopping me from growing. I seize opportunities and make things happen.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
There is nothing stopping me from growing. I seize opportunities and make things happen. (Strong Women Affirmations)
I am in charge of my own life.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am in charge of my own life.
I love challenges because they bring out the best in me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I love challenges because they bring out the best in me.
I am committed to my success and will not back down. I enjoy taking action when I have a goal so I can acquire the lifestyle that I dream of.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am committed to my success and will not back down. I enjoy taking action when I have a goal so I can acquire the lifestyle that I dream of.
I am grateful for the lessons I will learn today. I am grateful today for learning new things.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am grateful for the lessons I will learn today. I am grateful today for learning new things.
I am proud of the person I am becoming.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am proud of the person I am becoming.
Because of my high self-esteem, I easily accept compliments and give them in return.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
Because of my high self-esteem, I easily accept compliments and give them in return.
I am ready to learn and grow.Pin
I am ready to learn and grow.
I never stop learning and see opportunities for growth everywhere. I improve every day for the rest of my life.Pin
I never stop learning and see opportunities for growth everywhere. I improve every day for the rest of my life.

Women’s Affirmations for Confidence

It comes naturally to be confident in myself. I don’t need to question my confidence.Pin
It comes naturally to be confident in myself. I don’t need to question my confidence.
I am capable of handling anything that comes my way.Pin
I am capable of handling anything that comes my way.
Every hardship I go through will make me better for the future. The hardships help prepare me and harden me. I can do greater things because of these hardships.Pin
Every hardship I go through will make me better for the future. The hardships help prepare me and harden me. I can do greater things because of these hardships.
Everything that I need will be provided to me at the right time and the right place. When something is meant to happen it will happen.Pin
Everything that I need will be provided to me at the right time and the right place. When something is meant to happen it will happen.
I am becoming more confident each day.Pin
I am becoming more confident each day.
I love my true self. There is no reason for me to compare myself to others.Pin
I love my true self. There is no reason for me to compare myself to others.
I am accepting myself as I am right now.Pin
I am accepting myself as I am right now.
I have faith in my own abilities.Pin
I have faith in my own abilities. (Strong Women Affirmations)
I am overflowing with renewed confidence every day. I continue to grow and become a stronger woman for myself and for the people around me.Pin
I am overflowing with renewed confidence every day. I continue to grow and become a stronger woman for myself and for the people around me.
Even in uncertain times, I will handle it.Pin
Even in uncertain times, I will handle it.
I will take action despite any fear of failure. No matter what, I am proud of myself for trying.Pin
I will take action despite any fear of failure. No matter what, I am proud of myself for trying.
I am full of confidence and everyone around me can feel that.Pin
I am full of confidence and everyone around me can feel that.
I exude confidence when I go out in the world and others see it in me.Pin
I exude confidence when I go out in the world and others see it in me.
My voice matters and I am confident to speak up when I want to. People listen to me because my words are valuable.Pin
My voice matters and I am confident to speak up when I want to. People listen to me because my words are valuable.
My mind is clear of self-doubt.Pin
My mind is clear of self-doubt.
I am not afraid of the unknown because I know I can overcome all the challenges that come my way.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am not afraid of the unknown because I know I can overcome all the challenges that come my way.
Every problem I ever face will have a solution. There has never been a question without an answer. I just need to discover the answer.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
Every problem I ever face will have a solution. There has never been a question without an answer. I just need to discover the answer.
I am powerful and fearless.Pin
I am powerful and fearless.
I do not have a need to compare myself to other people. I only judge myself by my own standards of success. I am enough just the way I am.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I do not have a need to compare myself to other people. I only judge myself by my own standards of success. I am enough just the way I am.
I love how confident I feel when I am clear, focused, and relaxed.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I love how confident I feel when I am clear, focused, and relaxed.

Strong Affirmations for Women’s Careers

My mind is focused and I have clarity in all that I do at work. I do not succumb to distractions.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
My mind is focused and I have clarity in all that I do at work. I do not succumb to distractions.
My work matters.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
My work matters.
I stay true to my values and my authentic self. I do not compromise for anyone else. My success will come without compromise.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I stay true to my values and my authentic self. I do not compromise for anyone else. My success will come without compromise.
I bring something unique to the table that no one else can and that makes me uniquely valuable to my company.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I bring something unique to the table that no one else can and that makes me uniquely valuable to my company.
I communicate with ease and confidence.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I communicate with ease and confidence.
The passion I have for my work allows me to create true value. I am lucky to have a job that provides me with the finances I need to live a good life.Pin
The passion I have for my work allows me to create true value. I am lucky to have a job that provides me with the finances I need to live a good life.
I am calm when I am faced with conflict. I can brush off negativity easily, and I can agree to disagree. I enjoy being the bigger person and taking the high road.Pin
I am calm when I am faced with conflict. I can brush off negativity easily, and I can agree to disagree. I enjoy being the bigger person and taking the high road.
I do not need to prove my worth. My work is enough for people to see its value. People recognize my worth without having to be told.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I do not need to prove my worth. My work is enough for people to see its value. People recognize my worth without having to be told.
I am successful and confident in my abilities to do my job.Pin
I am successful and confident in my abilities to do my job.
I have more than enough value to offer in my job. I continue to flourish and gain experience and succeed to levels that I never expected.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I have more than enough value to offer in my job. I continue to flourish and gain experience and succeed to levels that I never expected.
I have the courage to confront anything that doesn’t feel right for me.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I have the courage to confront anything that doesn’t feel right for me.
I enjoy the work I do. I know the work I do will help the greater good. I will always strive to put in my best every day, regardless of what is going on around me.Pin
I enjoy the work I do. I know the work I do will help the greater good. I will always strive to put in my best every day, regardless of what is going on around me.
It takes a very strong person to do what I do, and I should be proud of myself.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
It takes a very strong person to do what I do, and I should be proud of myself.
I am qualified to be where I am.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am qualified to be where I am.
I am a competent member of the team. I have the knowledge and skills that I need right now.I am a capable leader. Others are attracted to my charisma at work and look up to me during times of crisis.Strong Women AffirmationsPin
I am a competent member of the team. I have the knowledge and skills that I need right now.I am a capable leader. Others are attracted to my charisma at work and look up to me during times of crisis.


Affirmations are a self-help method that fosters self-belief and self-confidence. (Source: HealthLine.com)

Without even realizing it, you’ve probably affirmed yourself by talking to yourself in positive ways.  When you say things like, “I’ve got this,” you are using an affirmation. 

One reason that affirmations work is that by concentrating on a positive statement, you shift your mental focus away from thinking about the possibility of failure or your perception that you have shortcomings.

Sometimes, your brain struggles to distinguish between fact and imagination, which can be unexpectedly helpful.

A hint to understanding not just what makes affirmations successful but also how to make them more effective is provided by neuroplasticity, or your brain’s capacity to alter and adapt to various conditions throughout your life. Repeating positive affirmations to oneself on a regular basis might help your brain accept them as true.  Your behaviors frequently follow when you genuinely believe you can accomplish a goal.
Many of the same brain regions are activated when you visualize yourself performing an action, such as ace tense interview or overcoming your fear of heights by bungee jumping.
According to Psychology Today, affirmations are more effective at helping you live the type of life you want to live when they are:
  1. Phrased positively, rather than negatively.  For example.  I am stress-free as opposed to I don’t have stress.
  2. Stated in the present rather than the future.  An example is “I am strong.” and not “I will be strong.”
  3. Written in the first person.  To do that, simply begin your affirmations with “I.”  “I have excellent powers of concentration” is an example for you to work from.
  4. Include emotion.  You will achieve much better results from affirming “I feel great about myself when I exercise daily,” than from simply “I exercise daily.”

It is important to set a regular time on your calendar to update your affirmations.  That keeps them from going stale with repetition.  In addition, it helps your affirmations stay current as your life changes.

If you are looking for more resources on creating affirmations, here is a link to an article with the 13 best daily positive affirmations apps.

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